#52 Cooper’s Hawk in the Chicken Coop

| December 23, 2013 | 11 Comments

Found an immature Cooper’s Hawk stuck in the chicken run. Not sure how he got in, and he wasn’t either. He didn’t put up too much of a fight when I caught hi…

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Category: Chicken Coop

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  1. Billy Jardine says:

    ohio, roosters don’t work, I have six roosters and didn’t do anything but
    warn hens. I lost 5. shoot the damn hawk

  2. urmom says:

    He Couldn’t get out again because his CROP was so full, he had a nice meal.
    looks like a beat his cere while trying to escape, glad you let him go.

  3. 1contraryfarmer says:

    I never figured it out. No holes that I could see! He may have been diving,
    not realizing there was chicken wire on the roof, and just happened to hit
    a seam and squeak through. Regardless, he got his meal and a little extra

  4. Leah Sweet says:

    How did he get in, looks like you have a roof??

  5. 1contraryfarmer says:

    I never figured it out. No holes that I could see! He may have been diving,
    not realizing there was chicken wire on the roof, and just happened to hit
    a seam and squeak through. Regardless, he got his meal and a little extra

  6. Ohio Outdoorsman says:

    You need a rooster and that wouldn’t of happend

  7. Tim ONeil says:

    Nice video

  8. zyzycs says:

    kill this fucking critter

  9. 1contraryfarmer says:

    Yeah, he was full of chicken! Let him go because its like I said in the
    video, he was just being a hawk! We had an injured one in our dairy barn
    this Fall-pretty nast leg injury. Caught it and cleaned up the wound and
    gave it an injection of antibiotics. It flew off with its bad leg hanging
    down. Would be interesting to know if it was the same bird, and if it
    healed up from the leg wound. Guess I’ll probably never know.

  10. jole523 says:

    you sure oh got yourself a prize there…hehe

  11. UncaTuck says:

    Shoot it!!!

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