The Ultimate Chicken Coop

| October 8, 2013 | 25 Comments

The Ultimate Chicken coop designed and built by Kasia. Plans available for , WWW.BEFRIENDYOURARTISTS.COM or

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Category: Chicken Coop

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  1. AceBangerTheGuru says:

    Sweet coop, need more ladies like you … very hot video, I mean chicken coop …
    yea, great job

  2. RoosterIsAlive ethan says:

    I don”t want to insult nobody but me and my dad built my chickens an even grander chicken house and it took 12 days that thing held all 100 chickens

  3. Tom Taggart says:

    Inspiring! My daughter wants to keep chickens… Great sound track too! Thanks for tuning me in to Cydney Robinson! Beautiful…

  4. Lawrence Shuda says:

    Impressive, and cute little girl.

  5. Bernard Hard says:

    And they say you need a man around the house to get shit done! :)

  6. Ron Sanford says:

    really great work on the coop and the hutch,really cool design

  7. Voltaire A says:

    Very exceptional coup! My ladies have a luxury laying den made from a chain link dog run with a roofed top, two walled sides, against the side of my house and gate side open. But they sleep in a renovated little tikes plastic play house. Its pretty cute but not as nice as yours.

  8. Voltaire A says:

    So I’m wondering how often you get marriage proposals on this video?? I’m guessing around 109 so far ;)

  9. David De Costa says:

    I’m in love!!

  10. Munther Izz says:

    Big like

  11. sundogforlove says:

    I don’t know about the chicken coop but you are pretty hot. Single?

  12. mike Ike says:

    Lucky chickens

  13. misstine71 says:

    that is a beautiful coop, it looks like something Martha Stewart would own!!

  14. deltasierramike1 says:

    Hot hot hot!

  15. Jeff Hagerman says:

    Look into my eye, what a gene pool we would have. I’m serious, you are awesome. Marry me! Truly the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. And that’s a shitload.

  16. BestKavin says:

    People only think about money … I recommend watch the movieUndercover at Smithfield Foods (2012 Webby Award Winner) in youtube it may open the eyes of some others ..

  17. swampfox3030 says:

    I’m in love!

  18. busaspeed says:

    you fine!

  19. Jeff Hagerman says:

    Will you marry me ?

  20. Brook Sisters says:

    she really knows what she is doing

  21. Populier vogel says:

    Great coop, great chick:-)

  22. crackawise says:

    whats the song and band on the first 4 mins please?

  23. vibratorification says:

    you are hot

  24. TheRaven1352 says:

    this vid was really cute to watch … Plus how many cute girls in a bikini top can do that wish you were my college prof. i would’ve paid more attention

  25. Scot Spence says:

    will you merry me?

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