How To Raise Chickens – Putting Your Coop On Wheels

| November 8, 2013 | 23 Comments

More info at Coop construction details: Nine minutes of talking about wheels on…
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  1. Raj Grg says:

    the best like it ….thanks

  2. Sharlean Williamson says:

    Thank you for taking the time to post this, it is very helpful we have a
    similar yard and an acre and 1/2 we need the same type wheels!

  3. Rick Triebwasser says:

    Hey Ron, Yes, it’s made from 1 1/4″ PVC and I attached the hardware cloth
    and plywood to it using #10 self-tapping screws and fender washers. You can
    see more of the construction details at the hen hideout link above.

  4. Sandra Muncy says:

    Would you email the plans to me, too? Thanks!

  5. Rick Triebwasser says:

    I now have drawn up a set of plans. If you are still interested let me know
    and I can email them to you.

  6. Dale Hadaller says:

    Great design – would like to have your plans. Please email to Thank you.

  7. Rick Triebwasser says:

    Hi, The link to the plans are in the summary section under the video.
    YouTube will not let me post a link in the comments section.

  8. April Emigh says:

    Oh can I have a copy of the plans too? I just built a cow panel greenhouse
    that I was going to use as a temporary chicken coop til I got the main one
    built but I think I like yours way better.

  9. Rick Triebwasser says:

    I’ve been trying to convince my wife of that for years. If you want the
    plans – check out Google Docs link in the description.

  10. Rick Triebwasser says:

    Hi, The link to the plans are in the summary section under the video.
    YouTube will not let me post a link in the comments section.

  11. Ronald Johnston says:

    Is that chicken coop made from PVC pipe? If so how did you attach the
    screen to pvc pipe and also their cages at the end?

  12. Rick Triebwasser says:

    Hi, sorry my drawings look like the chickens did them. My post is located
    in the chicken tractor section of the coops page on backyardchickens –
    listed as the Hen Hideout. It gives you the rough dimensions, but the
    biggest thing to work out is the assembly steps. I will try to add more
    info to this post in the future.

  13. Rick Triebwasser says:

    I let the chickens out when I move the coop, although last time I had a hen
    in the nest box and just shut the door to the hen house. I think you may be
    able to move it with the chickens inside, but I haven’t tried it to see if
    they will try to squeeze underneath while it is in motion.

  14. Rick Triebwasser says:

    Hi, The link to the plans are in the summary section under the video.
    YouTube will not let me post a link in the comments section.

  15. Megan C says:

    Would you have to take the chickens out of the coop before putting
    on/taking off wheels?

  16. dudendalou83 says:

    I would love to get your plans. Could you please email me?

  17. ed prather says:

    Rick please e-mail me your plans and wheel atachment for your pvc coop.
    thank you very much. Ed prather

  18. Jera Anderson says:

    Great work, Rick!

  19. Rick Triebwasser says:

    Once again for everybody – I have a link to the plans in the summary
    section, click on ‘show more’ to see it. Also go BackYardChickens (dot com)
    and find my Hen Hideout page for lots more info. It is under the Coops tab
    in the chicken tractor section. Please PM me though there if you have any
    questions! Good Cluck!

  20. SGsidekick says:

    I was trying to join website, but having difficulties. Anyway, do you have
    written plans/measurements? Would you take a paypal donation if you do? I
    really want to build one, but have physical issues, and this looks perfect!

  21. kathyinmo2 says:

    Good job, Rick!

  22. render1qa says:

    You my friend are a frickin genius. Thanks for this vid. I plan on using
    your idea.

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