Becky’s Homestead: Chicken Nest Box

| November 20, 2013 | 12 Comments In this episode of Becky’s Homestead, Scott shows you how to build a recycled chicken egg laying nest box for your backyard po…
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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. republicansarecool says:

    i made a small cardboard nesting box. Then i surrounded it with bricks and
    covered it with a piece of plywood and insuklated it. Do you think it is
    good? i am able to open the roof of the box and get the eggs.

  2. simplelivingskills says:

    I’m glad I found this channel. Subscribed! I love how the intro defines
    homesteading as “being as self-sufficient as your present situation
    allows.” It makes “homesteading” accessible to everyone in their unique
    situation. Great!

  3. homerzy12 says:

    lol growning ur own burgers

  4. teenmod12 says:

    and who is this scott person you are talking about?

  5. Alejandro Mojica says:


  6. Swift898 says:

    I know I just got some great Ideas this bucket used for a nesting box is
    sooo darn terrific. The lady in the video seems to enjoy what she is
    talking about and she should!!!!

  7. ROFLpwnedvideos says:

    My girlfriend and I plan on doing this once we graduate college. What state
    are you in? We were thinking Colorado or Vermont.

  8. Dylan Bussell says:

    Fiber glass bats dont catch light or even burn. They melt and very slowly.

  9. pitpass2 says:

    You are so spunky and inspiring—Keep up the good work!!!!!

  10. ROFLpwnedvideos says:

    One more thing…that bucket laying box idea… BRILLIANT!

  11. neongirl83 says:

    Becky, you have the best videos!!! Since I was little I wanted to have a
    ranch with every farm animal. I also want to be a homesteader. You are my
    inspiration and my role model. Please write me back! Thank you, Neongirl83

  12. mukwah1111 says:

    Welcome back Becky and Scott ! Its been a while. Your vids are always super
    informative and interesting. Thanks for posting. All the best !

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