Chicken House Rules

| December 14, 2013 | 10 Comments This is what happen every morning when we open the chicken house door.
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  1. wilbert2013 says:

    actualy cats are a good way to get rid of rats and mice if you feed the
    cats they wont kill the chicks

  2. trucklover9 says:

    hey you shouldnt have cats and chcikens in the same room the cats will rip
    the chickens apart. what were you thinking. cool henhouse though

  3. svillethomas says:

    chicken poop everywhere

  4. microwizard says:

    That would just be wrong, we let them hatch

  5. RhysyTime says:

    Actually a lot of chckens will attack cats if they feel thratened

  6. organic1966 says:

    I love roast chicken.

  7. shammoss says:

    what you do you cant have Chicken and cat

  8. microwizard says:

    We have now giving away all the kittens from this litter

  9. afabandjon says:

    chickens do makete best pets dont matter if u have 100 of the same breed
    they each have there own little characters and there very relaxing to watch

  10. BabyDoedoes says:

    How adorable! Chickens AND kittens ^_^

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