| December 15, 2013 | 10 Comments Fanny Franklin knows all about Hen House Studios. She sang with Trulio Disgracias and Lonnie Marshall this past year. Now Fanny is do…

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  1. DuppyLoLo says:

    I think Fanny is incredible. She has a beautiful voice and great stage
    charisma, I hope to see a lot more of her

  2. Therine27 says:

    How I beg to differ, zero, Fanny is the shit.

  3. Melanie Ley says:

    Excellent insight into Miss Fanny and great music. She’s awesome! Stani’s
    mom Melanie

  4. leafishy says:

    Fanny is the best!

  5. OpenComments says:

    BT PATTERN BTs do a crush in, pull back it’s almost an attitude. It’s a
    sort of tense heavy physi-cal pull back. The basis is fear they’ve been hit
    hard by something causes their timidity they pull back into solidity. It’s
    a hide phenomena and a pull back in pattern. This causes pressure,the
    pressure is caused by them pulling back in on themselves,sort of like a
    thetan trying to duck. And when a BT is awakened it immediately mocks up
    mass. Mass is produced by out-of-valenceness.

  6. diamondsinthejunk says:

    Fanny, you are a hot, saucy force to reckon with on stage, express yo’ self!

  7. MultiMusicGenre says:

    lol her names fanny

  8. Rafael Quintero says:

    hey JSR8008,,,i saw Arik Marshall perform with Macy GraY in 2002 at the
    Scrap Bar in NYC and he frickin’ blew my mind! i agree,,,that young man is
    awesome! Fanny is pretty talented too!:)

  9. JSR8008 says:

    his name is spelled Arik-the song you are referring to is intitled: ‘The
    Only Way’-and he IS a genius (which btdubs is spelled g-e-n-i-u-s) don’t
    you people proof read your comments before hitting ‘post’?

  10. Лилия Димитрова says:

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