Tractor Chicken Coops – Portable Chicken Coop Plans

| January 6, 2014 | 13 Comments

Tractor Chicken Coops - Portable Chicken Coop Plans

Get Chicken Coop Plans & Designs here You can save more money by building chicken coop. Buying chicken coops may cost …
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Update Video #2 In this update, we show how the coop is ventilated at the top to allow hot air to escape during hot weather. These vents can easily be blocke…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  1. Mallory Dowdy says:

    Get one of those bobble head owls from walmart and screw it to top of coop
    above door.

  2. ricardo abla says:

    you should put a net around it

  3. Ani Ore says:

    What about solar roof vent fans ~ sold for roof / attic fans that are
    powered by the sun. Might be good to put a couple in. Love the coop and

  4. oceanside300 says:

    About the birds stealing food….change out the CDs and use what the old
    timers used..pie tins..they make some noise and are flasier. Good work and
    well thought out coop…

  5. Ray Lentz says:

    Excellent job!

  6. G'Maw's Garden says:

    your coop is over the top construction man. great job.

  7. jimginnyohio says:

    Thanks for your comments! I was assigned to Hawaii 2003-2008 with the Air
    Force. I loved everything about it….except for the prices! If you decide
    to get chickens, be sure to get more than one since they are social animals
    and need to be around other birds. If you only get one, it will most likely
    get depressed and not do much for you. Thanks again!

  8. Sako S says:

    Great job ! I see the CDs,what kind of music do chickens like ? :))

  9. camrynbell says:

    Your videos are very helpful! I am from Ohio but my dad is in the army so
    we had to move to hawaii (and I’m not gonna complain about it). In hawaii
    there are to s of bugs (scorpions, centipedes, and many more) and a lot of
    people here buy chickens to eat the bugs so we were considering buying a
    chicken to eat bugs/lay eggs/be a pet… But anyways your videos are really

  10. Michelle H says:

    nice coop… lucky chickens!

  11. MUDSWAT says:

    Try putting the CD’s outside of the cage on a pole…

  12. KillaCommieFerMommie says:

    Nice coop : )

  13. sandra e says:

    Nice coop. Maybe using a small chicken door and not leave such a big space
    open. I know someone mentioned rats if you feed them in the run. She only
    recommended putting food in the coop/ water and water in the run. She did
    feed table scraps in the run but cleaned up right away.

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