Dawkins Runs for the Hen House!

| January 6, 2014 | 25 Comments

Eugenie Scott Misrepresents the Law on Evolution Education http://www.evolutionnews.org/2011/07/eugenie_scott_misrepresents_th048621.html Press Release for J…
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  1. orderslayer1 says:

    @TheScienceFoundation So I guess you don’t divide up the earth in
    hemispheres? Nor do you use a compass since it implies a square earth? You
    are just retarded, as in the literal definition some part of your brain
    shuts down when you post on youtube, and its impossible for you to reason.
    Cognitive dissonance perpetually flows out of you.

  2. orderslayer1 says:

    @TheScienceFoundation Actually there’s more evidence for creation than
    ever. Especially with those living transition fossils, information,
    complexity, irreducible complexity. Its much harder to support an
    evolutionist view in the 21st century than in the 19th century. Also its
    man catching up to the Bible, it meant that all along.

  3. TheScienceFoundation says:

    @orderslayer1 That passage says absolutely nothing close to what you’re
    claiming and even if it did, that would only be a very good question to
    prove the contradiction in the bible. I don’t know if you’re aware but a
    strawman is a *mis*representation, not an accurate representation, which is
    what I’ve provided Matthew 4:8 8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an
    exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and
    the glory of them All kingdoms from one point = flat.

  4. TheScienceFoundation says:

    @orderslayer1 ‘Nice little cutting of the sentence, its speaking of the
    springs of the sea, not the springs to the sea.’ I don’t know if you
    noticed, but it’s two different questions.

  5. orderslayer1 says:

    @TheScienceFoundation ‘A compass implies nothing, it evidences a magnetic
    field, which itself is spherical. Wow three fallacies in one, projection,
    red herring and ad hominem.’ I just find it hard to resist mocking.
    Compasses are used for directions, on maps they show which is north etc.
    Also the potters turntable shows this sphere.

  6. orderslayer1 says:

    @TheScienceFoundation why don’t you show all your pride and arrogance, and
    your high and mighty knowledge, and respond? Without strawmanning and
    stating baseless un-reasoned responses.

  7. orderslayer1 says:

    @TheScienceFoundation Why don’t you just say you cannot give a reasonable
    answer aside from its really God writing the Bible. ‘you also derive the
    completely unseen answer, in modern terms no less.’ do you know the answer
    or not? I know it, and yes it takes very modern science. Took almost 4000
    years for us to get to the technology of fiberoptics. Or maybe it was
    simply revived technology, there is nothing new under the sun.

  8. orderslayer1 says:

    @TheScienceFoundation Umm considering this is a Christian account, and
    you’re an atheist I would suspect you’re the troll since you were just
    seeking trouble and to blather and but yet you obviously felt you’ve met
    your match since you’ve just run out of supposed ideas.

  9. orderslayer1 says:

    @MsCoralline Should look up crytography, especially types which exist in
    the Bible. You are wholly incompetent at theology as well, since the Bible
    is rife with types such as Jonah, Abraham and Moses’ actions which are
    types of Christ. But such complex things you cannot ever understand. Also
    that’s a strawman since you seem to be confused with the occult
    evolutionary pantheistic numerology. And supposedly you’ve got a
    laboratory, and do science. this explains Academia so well.

  10. orderslayer1 says:

    @TheScienceFoundation really you have no knowledge of what the Bible
    states, since actually it tells you how to interpret it. 2 Timothy 3:16 All
    scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
    for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: scripture
    interprets scripture, and God means what He says, even if one’s finite
    brain cannot grasp the subject or topic. One doesn’t read it via fleshly
    eyes, but illuminated by the Holy Spirit.

  11. TheScienceFoundation says:

    @orderslayer1 You haven’t presented any science from the bible.

  12. MsCoralline says:

    @orderslayer1 I just counted four apples on the table in my kitchen. Hm.
    Interesting. How many times did I get up to pee last night? Two. This can’t
    be coincidence! I happen to know that the sum of the first 23 primes is an
    integer which is divisible by 23. Holy smokes! My cat is 22 years old. I
    must be God. There’s absolutely *no* other explanation.

  13. Karl Priest says:

    Just checking in to remind neutral viewers that all evolutionists are doing
    in their comments are like chickens clucking.

  14. orderslayer1 says:

    @MsCoralline So you back down from the challenge. As a coward? Like most of
    your ilk. Why don’t you prove how all of this is wrong then. And actually
    this follows the basic formula of all experiments, hypothesis observations
    and conclusion. Science means knowledge, and since this is more along the
    lines of cryptology mixed in with mathematics. We aren’t even looking at
    the Fibonacci numbers in the Bible, which also comes from mathematics.
    Those who hate God love death” Proverbs 8:36

  15. orderslayer1 says:

    @TheScienceFoundation also why do you always try to shift the discussion
    away when you’ve lost? Well since I lost that part, let’s just move on and
    hope no body notices…

  16. TheScienceFoundation says:

    @orderslayer1 Now you’re just trying to shift the burden of proof. It’s not
    mine to falsify claims that are not sufficiently evidenced.

  17. orderslayer1 says:

    @orderslayer1 what’s even more important about this truth of prophecy, is
    that the Bible must therefore be existing outside of our time frame, or its
    author must in order for such accurate depictions of the future to be true.
    You won’t be able to grasp this but that means the Bible has
    extra-terrestial, and extra-universal origin. Also why do you keep coming
    back for more humiliation and a show of your ignorance?

  18. SounzNice says:

    More evo-chickens bawk bawk.

  19. TheScienceFoundation says:

    @orderslayer1 That’s a hard sell when the preceding passage talks about
    grabbing the edges of the earth.

  20. orderslayer1 says:

    @TheScienceFoundation why don’t you show all your pride and arrogance, and
    your high and mighty knowledge, and respond? Without strawmanning and
    stating baseless un-reasoned responses.

  21. orderslayer1 says:

    @orderslayer1 now I have a challenge, how could the authors of the Bible,
    who were probably unaware of cellular biology and many of these discoveries
    only ‘occurred’ in the 20th century, know this? How did the book of Job
    know about the rotation of the earth. Job 38:14, or the springs in the sea
    only what 2 decades and still we are discovering more of these. Job 38:16.
    Or fiberoptics in Job 38:35. Who else but the Creator could know these
    things before their time?

  22. orderslayer1 says:

    @orderslayer1 also if you read all of Matthew, you’ll notice that Lucifer
    brings Jesus higher and higher, as if to show his loftiness. Not only that
    but this is a supernatural event. Jesus is also God, and thus is not
    constrained by limitations of our perception. Lucifer also speaks of the
    mount of the congregation, which might be the mount spoken of in this
    passage, and that passage doesn’t sound like any place on earth. Also
    scripture interprets scripture and Jesus is clear on the sphere.

  23. trilingual says:

    Bereanbeacon: Do you even read any of the comments made on this page? Cluck
    cluck, indeed baby . . . Now concentrate on getting your high school

  24. TheScienceFoundation says:

    @orderslayer1 I’ve given the reasons, you keep invoking fallacy, bias and
    ad hoc rationalization in order to reject them out of hand. You not wanting
    to interpret as literal the passages that make the bible nonsensical is

  25. orderslayer1 says:

    @orderslayer1 actually the mechanism is observation, does a house just form
    out of rubble? Does a program just form out of a frizzled computer? Does a
    spacecraft evolve from a paper air plane over time? How much more
    ridiculous is it to state life itself, far more complex than all of these
    combined is an act of random chance? Much less the laws of thermodynamics,
    laws of information, laws of probability.

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