Building A Light Weight Chicken Coop

| February 2, 2014 | 13 Comments

In this episode Becky talks about raising backyard chickens for farm fresh eggs. She gives you a tour of both of her new chicken coop designs. LEARN MORE AT:…

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  1. Warsrogue says:

    I built a large goat pen (no goats yet) & put 10 chickens in there & they
    lasted less than 2 days & the raccoons ate them all. I’m working on
    removing the unwanted critters. I heard you say Florida, I’m in N
    Jacksonville. Did you have coon problems? I’m going to build a smaller
    maybe 10×20 critter proof hen house to protect them for eggs.

  2. 1965blaze says:

    i love your new coop! i would like to know how to make the pvc triangle
    coop i need this in addition to my small coop i have for moving my girls
    around during the day. could you share how to make this? thanks so much i
    also live in florida Brooksville Blessings

  3. michelle from down under in bundy says:

    do have any trouble with foxes as i have an acre and just starting out i
    have to build a house,have water tanks and sepic bear have to
    start cutting down trees

  4. sabretooth75 says:

    It’s actually pretty easy to make a coop from PVC. I just got done make a
    temporary run for my chicks from, PVC, zip ties, and vinyl-covered poultry
    wire. This is just something to get the chicks in the yard for a few hours
    on warm days and can easily be expanded should true free ranging not work
    out for me. I’m not experienced at building much of anything.

  5. Haosen Liang says:

    I’ll build the small one

  6. ewetubin1 says:

    Becky, you are so cute! :-D. I love your enthusiasm and your ideas. You
    have a great son! I think he is awesome. Keep writing and keep posting
    videos! You go girl. Bless you for being an inspiration to others. My name
    is Sandra and I am in Canada. Take care and kiss your son! :-)

  7. ac14081408 says:

    “my next step will be ordering more hens…from, the computer” haha!

  8. oppat99 says:

    becky: my next step is buy more chickens from……………….the
    computer! omg i love her videos

  9. sabretooth75 says:

    I’m posting a video or two of my chickens shortly. You can get a glimpse of
    the one I built.

  10. genevievefortruth says:

    Thank you so much. I like both of them and will use some of the ideas
    presented. God Bless.

  11. Greenthumb Patriot says:

    this literaly perfict for my urban farm idea with two egg chickens . help
    me please

  12. MsLizRich says:

    Hi, I love your chicken roosting coop, and I really appreciate the detailed
    information you gave. You mentioned that the fencing used a 100 feet roll
    of wire fencing. Where is the gate? I noticed there are two lighter colored
    posts on the left side of the roosting hut, when looking at it from the
    long chicken yard, across from the nesting boxes. Is that the gate? How is
    it built? If there’s no gate, do you climb on the ladder to get in and out
    over the fence?

  13. mrbippy says:

    Predator issues?

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