Minnie’s Henhouse ‘King of the Swingers’ at Ronnie Scott’s,

| February 2, 2014 | 2 Comments

Live and let jive First Thursdays at Ronnie Scott’s New guest bands every month Featured here: www.minnieshenhouse.com.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Added a new roost for the chickens. They seem to like sitting on it and look out the window.

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Category: Hen House

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  1. silverexplosion says:

    I just got 14 chicks yesterday…these are my first chickens…got em in a
    3×4 foot box with a heat lamp…they seem to be happy. Got a Wick building
    for em when the get bigger….can’t wait for the eggs!!!!

  2. faroutadventures says:

    Do you think the flatter wider boards are easier on their feet? I’m
    thinking of copying your design.

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