Chicken Coop Tour 2012 – Austin, Texas

| February 13, 2014 | 3 Comments

Austin Callaway needs some ideas for chicken coop design so he can get his three birds out of the garage and increase his flock. What better way to do that t…

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  1. FromOurGarden says:

    Great video! I was hosting coop #8 and it was way too busy to shoot some
    video so this is much appreciated. My coop was the one with the combination
    bolt-locks and I remember you stopping by. I have more info about our coop
    at FromOurGarden if anyone is interested.

  2. R N says:

    Thanks for sharing the 2012 tour you guys! I wasn’t able to go and this was
    quite enjoyable. Loved the narration.

  3. melmom2 says:

    Hey thanks! I got to see some of what I missed, thanks to you! Nothing else
    exists like this, so I was very glad to run across your video.

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