A look at my Chicken house and other stuff…..

| January 1, 2014 | 29 Comments

Rihard Jakopic’s flight with his Extra 330S “Maxi Chicken” part#2.

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  1. Tammy Jo says:

    @RCvolunteer1978 Sorry RCv.. youtube never sent me notice that you
    commented. I finally figured out the water thing. The freezer did at one
    time house horse feed. I guess I will try it again. Thanks for watching and
    commenting. Tam

  2. mainbearing68 says:

    Great video… Love your setup… God Bless

  3. Tammy Jo says:

    @oaktreega thank you..

  4. Tammy Jo says:

    I cleaned out the freezer and use it for feed again..lol.. that was one
    nasty job. I use my pine straw for everything around here. Nice to have it
    and not have to buy it. Blueberry bushes just got a new dressing of it
    yesterday.. Thanks for watching. TJ

  5. DixieGirl9876 says:

    Real nice place.That old freezer would be a good root cellar if you need
    one,just bury it up to it’s lid.Ga. pines! Those needles are great around
    blueberry bushes too.

  6. FireFighter0254 says:

    @akagoldminer I want one :)

  7. rdnkrfnk says:

    @MyDaddysgirl44 no problem if yer just feeding scratch try adding a good
    laying pellet these should be in there offered as free choice along with
    oyster shell and granite chips or small pea gravel

  8. lindseylollipop101 says:

    LOL probably not!

  9. akagoldminer says:

    you can make a hen saddle from cloth to protect her feathers. i have a pdf
    document i got from instructables i can send to you if you want to make one.

  10. Triple Star says:

    Very nice… :)

  11. minbound says:

    Wished I had a place for chickens, I thought we were getting the finger
    there for a minute, lol. Take care.

  12. Lansing Allison says:

    i could not see but most water cans needs to hang from the ceiling to keep
    it away from the dirt…but low enough the chickens can drink …. the
    frezzer /refig can store the feed to to keep the unwanted animal eating the

  13. Tammy Jo says:

    I will try to do one this weekend..:)

  14. Buckrun11 says:

    That Red chicken isn’t getting picked on by the other chickens. I don’t
    know how to put this.. Lets say she is easy. lol The feathers on her back
    are from that rooster riding her during the fertilizing of the eggs I guess
    you could say. ; ) You have a beautiful place.

  15. Tammy Jo says:

    @rdnkrfnk Thanks Rd.. you may be right. I have seen one of the hens eating
    feathers several times. Now my rooster is missing all tail feathers except
    one.. I will check my feed today. Thank you for the information.

  16. Tammy Jo says:

    @rdnkrfnk I feed them laying pellets and scratch mixed… during the summer
    I mix it 75 % pellets and 25% scratch.. I don’t know. I will have to look
    at the pellets and see how much proteins in it.

  17. Tammy Jo says:

    @Buckrun11 lol Buckrun… I do kow about the rooster! But, (still laughing)
    the hens are pecking her too….

  18. rdnkrfnk says:

    @MyDaddysgirl44 i use laying crumbles and keep a 5 gallon bucket hanging
    from the ceiling with holes cut about an inch or two from the bottom of the
    bucket i pour the crumbles in there and hang it so they can eat out of the
    holes this keeps them from scratching them all around and offers it too
    them as free choice and they can get all the protein they need as it
    differs from chicken to chicken youll find they dont eat much once they get
    regulated and they will cut back on their scratch too >>>>

  19. SCHalfAssPrepper says:

    Wow your rooster really gets on ms red…can you do a chicken update

  20. lindseylollipop101 says:

    Get another chicken and put it in a different cage with red

  21. rdnkrfnk says:

    youve either got one of 2 problems with yer lil red hen first either they
    are making the their pecking order and shes on the bottom second if the
    other chickens are eating the feathers (yer not finding her feathers on the
    floor )then yer chickens are lacking protein and you need to up the protein
    in their diet chicken feathers are what they use some dogfoods for protein
    so check the protein levels of your chicken feed

  22. SCHalfAssPrepper says:

    Cool video wow cool chickens

  23. Tammy Jo says:

    @lindseylollipop101 yeah maybe another Red..huh? I will have to talk my
    hubby into another pen..LOL don’t think that will go over too good with

  24. sasos s says:

    More about plane wwwDOTbetalDOTorg/Extra_en.php

  25. Tasos Metax says:

    great plane i have also extra 330s and i love to flight this plane thanks
    my friend

  26. Tasos Metax says:

    i want to ask you some thinks adout this plane if you have msn give it to
    me thanks again

  27. Tasos Metax says:

    this plane have gyroscope ???

  28. Tasos Metax says:

    pliz tell me

  29. 3GTELEMARK says:

    tele ho! nope. this plane is steared “hand only”. Pilot is Rihard Jakopic,
    who is also unbelivable helicopter pilot and extrodinary talent for RC

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