Amish Chicken Coop Tour: Backyard Chickens

| October 12, 2013 | 23 Comments

Amish Chicken Coop Tour: Backyard Chickens

Quick tour of an Amish Chicken Coop built for 8-24 hens and/ or roosters. We have 28 living comfortably in ours, which keeps them safe from predators, and pr…

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  1. EggLayingChickens says:

    At the time I took this, there were three roosters. The white one (a hybrid breed) turned nasty and attacked my niece. My sister took care of the problem and he was turned into soup. Now there are two roosters and they have worked out some sort of peace pact and rarely have any confrontation. Both are good-tempered, so that helps.

  2. EggLayingChickens says:

    When I took the video, that was the case. As more started laying and they got older, they really spread out. Yesterday when I opened the lid, five hens were in five different boxes. Most days we find eggs in 5-7 boxes.

  3. Julie Cramer says:

    Didn’t mind at all! Made it funny and interesting. Thanks!

  4. mvsoccer1231 says:

    Cool video and cute kids

  5. vjconroy532 says:

    How many roosters do you have? Thought I saw 3 in the vid? Don’t they fight?

  6. Ella fitzpatrick says:

    looks great would u get lots of chicks because u have the rooster with the girls??

  7. Donna Alsept says:

    Hi, Can you tell me what the dimensions are for this coop? Length, width, and height?

  8. fuzzywzhe says:

    My uncle raised chickens when I was a kid. I can almost smell it now.

  9. DD826 says:

    That is great for the kids.They must like the end boxes for the privacy and feel safer, then with chickens on both sides of them.

  10. grymar76 says:

    hi iam interested what dimension is you chicken coup thankyou for the answer I am planning to build one .

  11. Ethan Baltzer says:

    do you have any suggestions on how to encurage the hens to lay?

  12. elvis4ever74 says:

    Cute. Have 6 hens. Will definitely look into this.

  13. pinhead larry says:

    in your video you said they use two

  14. Kathi W says:

    How much does something like that cost?

  15. james hammond says:

    very nice chicken coop and also chickns…… your three roosters often fight or do they already know whos boss?

  16. elydanification says:

    What are the dimensions?

  17. Sean Ingram says:

    1:40 uh-oh :) there he is :) Checking out to see who’s in the hen house :) lol

  18. BrandonEvans10001 says:

    That means that they need atleast 6 nesting boxes. They are doing Perfect

  19. BrandonEvans10001 says:

    Your wrong, depend on your amount of chickens, u may need a lot. 3 -4 hens per nesting box is the reccomend number

  20. EggLayingChickens says:

    Of the eight nesting boxes, we consistently have eggs in six and occasionally seven.

  21. jagarza1981 says:

    Ppl always think they need a lot of nests. Chickens always just use one or two.

  22. EireItaliana says:

    What a great set-up — love the Amish chicken coops.

  23. EggLayingChickens says:

    Please pardon the noisy roosters and kids. Comments welcome!

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