An urban fox investigates our hen house

| December 16, 2013 | 2 Comments

We had 3 of our chickens killed by a fox attack in March 2011 and so we are very wary about monitoring our omlet chicken house for fox activity. Here we see …
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Category: Hen House

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  1. OfficialInterview says:

    @mcneilljamie Hello Mcneiljamie. We keep the hens in the coup, except when
    they are let out for a supervised free range. We are also very careful to
    put any food of interest to foxes away inside the house at night. Make sure
    all fences have no holes, even though foxes can leap over fences or go
    through tiny holes. We have halogen flood lights and CCTV. The chicken
    manual says you can try peeing around the perimeter of the hen coup as
    foxes don’t like the smell of another predator in the area.

  2. bigfatgigerkid says:

    another way is to double cage , a hen house inside a wire cage inside one
    big wire cage dug into the ground enough for you to stand in with wire as a

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