Arduino powered automatic chicken coop door

| February 21, 2014 | 7 Comments

Arduino powered automatic chicken coop door

Our old door had one fatal flaw. It couldn’t lock itself once it was closed. This worked for a good 4 months before the raccoons figured it out. This time ar…
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  1. Chad Kouse says:

    Beats walking out there twice a day to open And close the door

  2. 574fedsup says:

    Kind of a overkill for a chicken coop door! But to each its own i guess!!!

  3. Chad Kouse says:

    I may need a thinner door (maybe sheet metal) but im hoping this works. The
    clearance on the solenoid lock is just really small. 

  4. Chad Kouse says:

    Just added the schematic to the github repository too

  5. Chad Kouse says:

    Still sort of a work in progress, but check it out on my github page (link
    in the description now)

  6. László Monda says:

    I’m glad you see doing hardware stuff. Very nice project! Post it on
    hackaday dot com and be famous in no time :)

  7. ColdShoulderMedia says:

    Would you like to post your code so I can see how you did everything?

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