Backyard Chickens 06: Perch Poop & Waterer Heater

| November 15, 2013 | 5 Comments

Backyard Chickens 06: Perch Poop & Waterer Heater

Coop update and tour, as my 4 hens turn 9 months old. Going to be their first winter, I’m probably going to err on the side of keeping them too warm, althoug…
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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. Frank says:

    the suggestion i gave you about your dog house using solar heat would work
    here as well as long as you have a sunny place near the coop. It would cut
    your utilities bill quite a bit.

  2. icesuperdog says:

    I like the bulb in the cinder block idea!

  3. Jimmay Teed says:

    Nice video. Great ideas for my shed we will be converting to 1/2 coop, 1/2
    shed. The funnels work awesome, and I am curious about your bedding? You
    use the pellets. Do you use that 100%, or 1/2 fresh stall, and the other
    cobs Thanks!!

  4. normalguydiy says:

    I do use the pellets 100%, that was 1st year. Not sure how much of that to
    purge each spring. From what I’ve gathered from youtubers, I’ll probably go
    in there and shovel at least half of it away, and replace with fresh

  5. Jimmay Teed says:

    Nice timing for the fire trucks to drive by. hahaha

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