Building a chicken coop – DIY tutorial

| January 10, 2014 | 31 Comments Building a chicken coop? Discover over 100+ Step-by-Step Printable DIY Plans to Building an Attractive & Affordable Long Lasting Pr…

EZ Clean Chicken Coop (Doors; Wire)

Michelle Tennant Nicholson documents her husband building their backyard chicken coop. This is one of the final videos in the series. Only working one day or…

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  1. Paul Hernandez says:

    I built this coop. Nice for a few hens. Just hard to get in and clean.

  2. jojo trigger says:

    manteb bosh,……

  3. ndlz1 says:

    So very helpful! Greatly appreciated. Thank you Mr. Caden. If I can’t get
    my husband to make this for me, I do believe I can do it all by myself!

  4. crazzzymike13 says:

    I built the same coop using these instructions. Go check out my video!

  5. Bob Smith says:

    There’s a handy phone app to remind you to put your chickens away at night.
    See “Sunset Reminder” on Android Market or Google Play.

  6. ikkenienwel says:

    you should add a chalkboard inside, cause I think chickens do quantum
    mechanics when we sleep…. they are weird animals ….

  7. glynbrain says:

    I could see the roost in the diagram at 3:56 but not how it was fixed or
    how close to the rear wall it was. Could someone give me an approximation

  8. SumLii says:

    this is awesome! My husban dan dI have decided to add some chickens to our
    growing family and this is an easy to follow instruction video! LOVE the
    results too! As soon as I get a chance I will post a video of our finished
    chicken coop for a visual for the rest of you. Thanks for having this
    detailed description on youtube!

  9. Hemolymph says:

    Whats an estimate of lumber/supply cost to build this coop?

  10. Stephen Lee says:

    I just built this coop, I only built the coop part as I have a large run
    area fenced off already. My cost for lumber and hardware was about $50. I
    worked on it after work and it took about 6 hours to build. The plans are
    pretty good considering the price, however, they do leave out several
    important details, how to install the nest box, (I modified there intention
    as It didn’t seem stable enough for me) The size of the door (yes easy to
    figure out but hey they are plans).

  11. petchickens101 says:

    Hi Lineagejunkie A perch is not essential. The main thing for a chicken is
    to be above ground, which the roost is. However, it is more natural for a
    hen to sit on a perch and all this needs to be is a bit of an old branch
    laid on the roost floor, or a rounded off piece of 2″x2″ which can be
    attached either to the floor or to the walls. This can be placed upto a few
    inches above the floor. Karl Caden

  12. sarat suaro says:

    You are right. you can make your workout sessions much more productive if
    your eating the right foods to avoid fat and belly. Listen do you know
    about the 7 odd foods that kill belly fat if you don’t know about them you
    must see this. you can watch out here

  13. Chris Johnson says:

    wow i’m building it now and i am almost done its super cool it costs cheap
    like around $70 to $100

  14. TheGerardmaine says:

    his site is down, here is a step by step guide: tinyurl com/7z4zq2l

  15. toño vera says:

    haganlo en español el video

  16. RickM1953 says:

    When building this coop, Is there any reason that I should not use treated
    lumber for the framing of the coop.

  17. bizcreations1011 says:

    very helpful, thanks

  18. jessicalove2246 says:

    i wanna do this but make it longer run and add a second house on the other
    side :) thank you so much for the video!!

  19. SnipingNation22 says:

    i built mine, however, minutes after i finished, it simultaneously
    combusted and killed all 5 chickens, do u have any chicken coop insurance

  20. Matthew Irvin says:

    How many chickens will this house?

  21. Troy117Moss says:

    i did this n my chickens all died. this guys bullshittin.

  22. Amy Maidwell says:

    Found this very helpful, many thanks.

  23. Darian Tveici says:

    Hi, I just downloaded the plans for this coop but there is no supply list.
    coul anyone tell me what is needed and how much to buy

  24. Herron Hill says:

    how many chickens can live in this coop?

  25. Michelle Tennant says:

    @Michael Mcbratney I don’t have a reply option to your comment for some
    reason. The entire build is captured. The links to the whole series are in
    the description below the video. Just expand it and you’ll see all the
    videos. In a few, I am learning and the camera is sideways (unfortunately)

  26. Michael Mcbratney says:

    Nice job.Did you video the whole build?

  27. Michelle Tennant says:

    We’re getting about 4 yeggs a day!

  28. highonsmog says:

    cool video. encouraging. hope you get lots of eggs :)

  29. Michelle Tennant says:


  30. David Dube says:

    Michelle, I like your probing questions, good job (both of you). His wife
    is slowing him down is what she’s doing:)) I’m in the process of remodeling
    our coop which has been in use for 17 yrs now. People have about 1 month
    from getting day old chicks until their ready for the coop, if people get
    into that kind of bind. Just an FYI, you might want to place a dish pan in
    the hen boxes for ease of cleaning. Hopefully I’ll get my video up soon.
    Thanks you guys! Oops, screen over the coop/roof

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