Building a Chicken Coop Kit w/ Additional Modifications

| October 17, 2013 | 5 Comments

Time to build our Chicken Coop. We ordered a Chicken Coop online and assemble it. Look at the design and function of this easy to find online Chicken Coop fo…
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  1. jdogminer says:

    but i do like the addition

  2. jdogminer says:

    that is a good lookin coop but on the inside its too small u should of built ur own

  3. Brandon Marshall says:

    No, no HOA here. Thanks for watching!

  4. 1mmullins says:

    Hi, I really enjoy watching all your videos. I live in the Austin area, so I share your challenges. I have a question about your chickens, do you live in a home owners association area? I have been wanting to get a couple of chickens, but not sure if my HOA will allow me. I heard a few people say that if you raise chicken as food(their eggs of course) that is ok

  5. OneYardRevolution says:

    Looks great! Good job with the modifications.

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