Building A Chicken Coop Part III of III

| February 22, 2014 | 25 Comments

I have ordered day old chicks to arrive in late May so I have been busy building a chicken coop. First time I’ve ever built anything so it has been quite a l…

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  1. Dale Calder says:

    @Cannibalriot It is a bit OTT but I wanted something that looked nice but
    most of all I wanted it to be as safe as possible I have had lots of
    problems with predators in the past.

  2. Dale Calder says:

    @swsebrownsugar1888 Thank you.

  3. Noah Moore says:

    Question, Where did you get your plans for the coop again? and how big is

  4. Cannibalriot says:

    Really great job. Man, if you could see what we keep our chickens in,
    you’ve built the ताज महल चिकन ( Taj Mahal chicken)!

  5. dalriada842 says:

    Those chickens are going to have a better house than the majority of human
    beings on this planet! Is it glass in the windows, or polycarbonate? Are
    you going to insulate and line the walls internally? It’d be nice to see
    how you fit out the interior as I’ve never kept chickens, and don’t know
    what’s involved.

  6. Dale Calder says:

    Thank you but there is a big difference in our climates usually gets down
    to minus 20C or so here in the winter also lots of predators so it needed
    to be strong.

  7. HumbleHaven says:

    Looks great! I applaud your tenacity in getting out there and building
    things despite your lack of experience. If you hadn’t mentioned it, I would
    have never guessed this was your first time. I bet this coop served as a
    great preparation for building your cabin.

  8. johnatncsu says:

    Well done. Very impressive. A chicken coop is on my to-do list, but I not
    likely to get to it until next summer. Your chickens have a nice home.

  9. phantomcreamer says:

    @dalecalder2003 I emailed my city counsel representative a while ago, I
    should do more.

  10. Dale Calder says:

    @baconsoda Thanks Brendan I am pleased with the final product now I can’t
    wait until the birds arrive.

  11. Dale Calder says:

    @johnatncsu Thank you. I can hardly wait until the chickens arrive.

  12. selfreliantboy says:

    I like the paint colors you chose . Im courious as to why you put sreen
    over the windows .

  13. mai nguyen says:

    i dont like that chicken coop at all. but u did try hard make batter next
    time thank.

  14. lifeinthailand says:

    Nice job, The finished product looks very professional. I can’t believe you
    are crazy enough to get up at 3am to watch a wedding, But getting up at 3am
    to watch a hockey game would be a different story…

  15. Dale Calder says:

    Thank you. It was a confidence builder for sure.

  16. Dale Calder says:

    @HCGChica Thank you very much. It was a lot of work but I also enjoyed thee
    process and the girls are safe and secure in their new home. Good luck with
    your project I think the most important thing is to make it predator proof.

  17. Dale Calder says:

    @swsebrownsugar1888 Thank you very much.

  18. Dale Calder says:

    @selfreliantboy Thank you I’m trying to make it as secure as possible. I
    have had such problems in the past with predators, I was concerned that
    raccoons would go right through the window screen if the window was open.

  19. Dale Calder says:

    @GulfCoastJaguarundi Thank you. Me too I can hardly wait they hatch a week
    from tomorrow and are put in the mail to me later that same day I should
    have the within 48 hours of their being shipped.

  20. Chad Shockley says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed your video (three segments) during my afternoon
    treadmill routine. We constructed our chicken coop (similar design) nearly
    four years ago. It continues to withstand the test of time. Thanks for
    posting !!!

  21. Dale Calder says:

    @dalecalder2003 If there isn’t a group already fighting city hall what a
    lot of people do is put up signs and host a screening of the Mad City
    Chickens Video. From what I’ve read people are usually surprised at the
    turn out. Google Mad City Chickens.

  22. mai nguyen says:

    Your chicken coop look like a house not a chicken coop?? if u can make a
    side have a net boy and baby chicken door that go look batter . thank

  23. jihadacadien says:

    I knew those wedding plates were for you! lol I love the little windows!!
    I’m thinking of putting one or 2 in my shed too….and yours is looking
    pretty awsome! Just like a mini barn! Should you attach the heat
    lamp….just to be sure the chicks don’t make it fall ? (I’m a worrier with
    things that can cause fires lol)

  24. Dale Calder says:

    @jihadacadien Very funny your just jealous because I didn’t bring one back
    for you. LOL Thanks for the though but the lamp is on a very stable stand
    and if it should tip over there is a wire cage below the bulb so it can’t
    come into contact with anything. Also it will be removed before the birds
    are big enough to knock it over.

  25. Dale Calder says:

    @dalriada842 Unfortunately I’ve had those thought too, in a lot of third
    world countries this coop would be a very good home. The windows are glass.
    I’m still undecided on insulation, I’ve had chickens in the past and that
    coop wasn’t insulated and I didn’t have any problems. Hard to say I may
    change my mind an insulate before next winter. As summer goes on and I do
    more to the interior I will include it in future videos it still needs a
    chicken door, roosts, nest boxes. Birds arrive in 2 weeks

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