Building a Hen House – 4 Common Errors

| October 8, 2013 | 41 Comments Listen to this podcast to find out about 4 commons errors that people make when trying to build their hen house. Then if yo…
Video Rating: 2 / 5

Ever wonder how chickens behave when it is time to tuck in for the evening? Sometimes the unexpected happens.

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  1. bullet86z says:

    If only there was a way to remove those trees with modern technology.. oh wait.. they were ADDED with technology :P
    Seriously tho the video doesn’t show any of what he’s explaining, thus big thumbs down! just another content-farm podcast.

  2. disciple43 says:


  3. loridsisi says:

    Should’ve known from first 2 comments that I was about to waste 3 minutes of my life !

  4. UncaTuck says:

    I’ve got chickens in my freezer and they don’t seem to mind the cold at all.

  5. elydanification says:


  6. hannahdawn55 says:

    I am so motion sick and I still have no idea how to build a coop.

  7. victor torres says:

    wats that program named

  8. deptyreese says:

    yes, i am dizzy. think they over did the visual effects, lol

  9. Shareallicu3 says:

    LOL Chickens DO get cold and they can die if they get too cold.

  10. Jason Solomon says:

    Chickens do not get cold retard

  11. AlphagraphicsCom says:

    Good info thanks

  12. damommakitty says:

    what were they thinking with those trees!

  13. Hailee May says:

    well those were all no brainers

  14. sahmadi1000 says:

    You said nothing.

  15. ndacedarwood says:

    you have know idea what you are talking about

  16. William Walker says:

    Whoo… I’m dizzy!

  17. Imhotep Shai says:

    More than two rooster for more than 30 is balance not for 5 hens three rooster, it is unnatural.

  18. Kendall Ratzliff says:


  19. funkapuss11 says:

    There you go, you just found your viral hit. Go get some footage and record some voice overs. We will wait here patiently.

  20. Pablo Escobar says:

    Social they are

  21. stupidasso77 says:

    I remember when I lived on a ranch we had several roosters and for the most part they got along. I remember a couple times as roosters aged the younger ones established dominance over them. Only recall one bad fight, but that was all.

  22. Jacinta Maree says:


  23. Evan Erickson says:

    The word drama really mislead me. I don’t know why but I was just expecting some sort of dubbed over chicken soap opera. Please tell me I’m not the only one.

  24. TheMuffinBurgler says:

    No they won’t, you can have many roosters together and they’ll get along just fine. I have six and they have never fought before.

  25. Prince Kingman says:

    That’s exactly what was happening in front of a night club in New York a few years ago – dudes all peacocky, waltzing up and down the street eyeballing females and other male mammals

  26. nnonn12326 says:


  27. crystal prop says:

    You can’t keep 3 roosters theyll kill eachother

  28. Vincent McBride says:

    Oh the suspense.

  29. Zeitgeist TTD says:

    I’m thinking one of these days the poor hen will be injured from drama like this. So this isn’t too funny to watch.

  30. diana cervantes says:

    i had to, im sorry

  31. theGreifingmaifa says:


  32. Margarita Georgieva says:

    Oh my :) This is hilarious :) Love your video!

  33. Sk8ting World says:

    Not really… They get along it seems and this is a rare breed.

  34. patek27 says:

    hey friends try this site and see how it works!! it really works for me and i want it to share with you guys!! ://

  35. 1AppleBooty1 says:

    LOL poor hen , got raped! funny

  36. readkey7 says:


  37. Stan Smith says:

    I have a MASSIVE black cock. Can I be in the next episode?

  38. Carlos Yanez says:

    too many roosters in one place

  39. phillyhippie says:

    I also had another chicken named chicken too

  40. INVISIGOTH says:

    I have a rooster named Chicken

  41. killerdawg98 says:

    That hen got gang raped lol

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