chicken coop

| December 4, 2013 | 25 Comments

This is my chicken coop with no chickens.

FYI – I came across this great site for chicken coop plans: *** DIY Backyard Chicken Coop: *** This kid’s mind is always…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. nthekitchen48 says:

    That is just great!!! You accomplished two goals, feeding the chickens and
    recycling a plastic bottle! You’re a genius! Well done, Prepper A!

  2. bippity bopity boo says:

    Great work Prepper A!

  3. Cheryl Robinson says:

    Nice job Prepper A and great idea! – I’ll try that in my new coop too and
    let you know how it works out. We built the coop several months ago but
    haven’t ordered our chicks yet. Will get them in Oct/Nov for laying in the

  4. katzcradul says:

    They don’t get on it…not stable enough for them to feel safe.

  5. coyote sunshine says:

    Oh how nice. A swing for the chickens to sit on!

  6. WestCoastPrepperRN says:

    Hey PrepperA…you are a Rock Star girl! That was a fantastic idea…one
    that I WILL be using next week when we get our new chicken coop! Hope all
    is well with ya’ll and hope that PaladinPrepper is felling better! I miss
    talking with you guys! Hope to be back doing videos again soon…life just
    seemed to get in the way lately. Take care!

  7. katzcradul says:

    (She grinned and said, “Awww That’s so nice.”) We miss you! We really miss
    you. Get in front of that camera real soon!

  8. Jamiein Wyoming says:

    Way to go Prepper A! My only question is do the hens try to jump on or in
    it? I have a couple of girls who would probably enjoy their new swing, lol!

  9. SilverStarGazer says:

    What a remarkable young lady! Every time she is involved in one of your
    vids she is so knowledgeable and well-spoken. It’s obvious you have done an
    excellent job in raising her. She embodies the hope I have that young
    people can overcome the issues that are destroying our youth and become
    true productive humans rather than automatons who are rapid consumers and
    have little interest in education, family, morality, and most importantly

  10. virginia7191 says:

    Smart girl! She is definitely NOT the norm, but as long as there are SOME
    around like her, our future looks a little brighter. Good job Prepper A!

  11. Sheila6325 . says:

    PrepperA, I’m so proud of you. That’s a fantastic idea, and I’m even going
    to try it out when I get my chickens. Not only will it save a lot of money,
    but I love the fact that it will save a lot of mess too. I hope your father
    feels better real soon, and thank you for sharing with us, I loved your
    invention. Bless you, Sheila

  12. weetreebonsai says:

    Great idea!

  13. journey1971 says:

    smart kid

  14. fightinfarmer26 says:

    this is a good idea for a feeder. I have a very old poultryman book
    (1800′s)that shows how to build a self feeder. they step on a lever that
    raises the door that allows feed down to the trough

  15. Rosemary Mendoza says:

    Smart as a whip. Good job.

  16. Dan says:

    Nice job Prepper A. Wish i thought of that

  17. Aunt Duddie says:

    I love that girl! She’s just as wonderful a child any parent could hope
    for. I know you all know that. You Rock PrepperA!

  18. takingcareofmine says:

    Sadly you are correct, she is not the norm (that is a good thing though)
    and most of the kids her age are disconnected and many are mean! God does
    need to help us all.

  19. hipbusybee says:

    Well done little Miss A!!!

  20. roerinaci says:

    Great Job Prepper A ..Keep up the good work and hope your dad get better
    soon :)

  21. suziidfl says:

    Great thinking Prepper A!!! Thanks for sharing. I hope your dad feels
    better soon.

  22. RedBerry at Homestead Hopes says:

    Awesome job!! I agree you can learn so many more things in life by doing!

  23. b mizar says:

    Great video Prepper A. I like your chicken feeder idea.

  24. My Favorite Things says:

    Excellent job, Prepper A! You get an A++ from me!

  25. Santanajust says:

    YUP, one great idea made by a great individual…..

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