Chicken Coop!

| January 18, 2014 | 3 Comments

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  1. HomeFarmIdeas says:

    @824thor Not going to happen any time soon. Need to get as many eggs as I
    can and the chickens are cooler then I thought:)

  2. jedesignz says:

    I like your idea of moving the door and egg boxes around. For one, if
    you’re only gonna do max 4 birds, you really only need 1 maybe 2 nest
    boxes. They say 3-4 birds per nest. Adding a run for them to get some more
    room is great. The roost is kinda small for the birds you want, something
    like a 2×4 makes a great roost and they love to roost at night. Try it as
    is, and watch them, decide that later. During your winters, they’d probably
    be ok, board it up or something to block the wind.

  3. Thor Engebretson says:

    Roses are red . Violets are blue. When are you going to show us the video
    on chicken stew?

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