Chicken Coop Build Part 3 – L2Survive with Thatnub

| March 28, 2014 | 8 Comments

I finally finished my chicken coop build. There are a few finishing touches that I will want to do on it but, I’m calling it done.
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  1. BritchesAndBrambles says:

    Please keep in mind that chicken wire is intended to keep chickens in. It
    doesn’t really keep predators out. Hardware cloth, though pricey, is the
    best choice for a permanent coop. We had chicken wire available, so that is
    what we used and will have to be content with for now, but we’ve already
    had a couple of issues and will be switching to hardware cloth ASAP.

  2. Sheila6325 says:

    Wow! that turned out really nice. I do have to agree that the hardware
    cloth is the best, but maybe double wireing will do the job. The coop looks
    ready to go, so good luck.

  3. MindOverEverything says:

    I love how you pick up materials so cheap to make your stuff. I need to get
    with that program!

  4. Taleulah says:

    Alrighty! now you can come and build mine. With your experience it
    shouldn’t take long at all….lol Thanks for sharing. God bless.

  5. gonzalezpeter14 says:

    My neighbors used chicken wire on their coop, then lost a lot of chickens
    to raccoons until they put up hardware cloth.

  6. Bert Jones says:


  7. L2Survive says:

    I still have a lot of fence wire and more chicken wire. Maybe I will double
    up on it. I have my dog and he keeps all critters out of my back yard
    except for the 6 hours per night he is inside.

  8. Madam Vonkook says:

    Great job !I would reinforce with an extra layer of chicken wire tokeep
    preditors out if you have the cash …it is very upsetting to find dead

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