Chicken Coop Chronicles

| November 21, 2013 | 9 Comments

There was a day last winter when I heard that it was legal to keep chickens in Chicago. From that moment I became obsessed with the idea of keeping chickens….

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  1. kaisenji says:

    Great job on the coop! I will have to redo mine to improve the nest boxes,
    drainage and roosting bars.

  2. inwoodfiredept says:

    good job

  3. Wilhelm Harnacke says:

    how many chickens are you going to have?

  4. colossus1969 says:

    I seriously want to do this… I’ve been looking into it for some time now.
    I am currently in the stages of convincing my other half as well. I see you
    live in Chicago. I’m here in the Andersonville neighborhood and would love
    to come see your coop. I actually have a lot of questions about caring for
    them during times of cold weather like we’re experiencing. Would you be
    willing to connect?

  5. IPman77 says:

    Nice work and cool dog!

  6. bwonderjones says:

    Hello from Seattle! Your video is great! I am turning our old dog house
    into a chicken coop and you really helped me. Thanks so much for posting.

  7. bearmonty says:

    Really smart and low cost.

  8. lowcarbonhome says:


  9. lowcarbonhome says:

    I have two and eventually I will get 4-5

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