chicken coop door

| November 24, 2013 | 22 Comments

Automatic opening chicken coop door.

see the newest chicken coop for our newest addition of 9 silkies. Beautiful birds, great for backyard chickens and make great pets. see more at: http://www.p…
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  1. michael Leger says:

    looks great! our silky is the calmest bird we have! its hard to keep her
    off the eggs though. she sets on anything…i mean ANYTHING. shell try to
    hatch out terds if we let her! haha

  2. xXstainglassXx says:

    i love silkies i have four myself .. 3 silver and one black one i am
    getting a frilkie maybe to .. there is a breeder and we talk a lot about
    the silkies and i know a lot about them now .. you can sex them at about 3
    months old but it isn’t always true if it is a male or female at that age
    the best time is 6 months to tell

  3. Green Power Farm says:

    its crazy huh?…my little snowflake will sit and sit…I have her a little
    water nipler and feed bowl in her nest when she gets broody. they are the
    hardest little workers!

  4. sargon420 says:

    dude that is kick buttowski. Way better than before. Wow! Great Job bro it
    really came out very nice. Yeah Sasquatch might have a hard time getting at
    your birds now eh?lol. Silkie’s got way big very fast and I bet they are
    diggin the new coop. Thanks for the Video

  5. QuailReview says:

    Thats awesome, iv been waiting awhile for this vid :D Your black and brown
    silkies are just to coool! Man im jelous all mine are white!! I like the
    concrete thats a great idea. Can you sex your silkies yet? Do you have a
    rooster? Thumbs up.

  6. Green Power Farm says:

    I have a couple I need to update this week.

  7. Amy Blair says:

    Thanks for the response! I’m trying to fix mine up so its raccoon proof.

  8. Green Power Farm says:

    Thanks! I just used what I had laying around.

  9. MegaUnitman Fyou says:

    Good idea

  10. Teddybear500 says:

    Nice looks good too me!!

  11. Green Power Farm says:

    sounds good ! I can’t wait to see it ..thanks!

  12. Green Power Farm says:

    I hope you do too! :)

  13. LeonRFpoa says:

    I may keep a few silkies, I am making silkie chicken soup tonight it’s a
    chinese remedy for when your system gets run down. I had a lot of my bones
    broken in a car wreck and they supposedly help because they have an
    antioxidant chemical that is found in high quantities

  14. Amy Blair says:

    How did you have the chicken wire attached to the actual coop? I’ve got an
    old coop with a dirt floor and I’m worried about how to attach the
    wire…to the building. Then I’ll probably do what you did, just pour out
    the concrete and wet it down with the hose. Did you staple chicken wire to
    the inside of the coop? Or just attach it to the bottom of the coop all the
    way around? Thanks for the videos, they’re always helpful!

  15. Green Power Farm says:

    haha…I thought you would like this!…the only way to sex silkies is when
    they lay an egg or crow…I am sure I have a few roosters…there are some
    fighters in there.

  16. Green Power Farm says:

    well, I wasn’t done in this video but later I put a 2×4…4′ long at the
    ends and drove a couple screws to hold it on both sides…if you staple it
    the racoons will peel it back and get in.

  17. Green Power Farm says:

    That’s cool…see if it works & let me know!! I have a bunch of silkie

  18. sleppery says:

    So cool

  19. LeonRFpoa says:

    Sending video response, I filmed the soup and cooking for you. It was good.

  20. Green Power Farm says:

    Its the only thing that has worked for me…I tried everything… i
    think…I didn’t want to do concrete because its hard to remove…but
    preditors were getting all my hens…& they only get the tame, nice ones
    that I love….its always that way.

  21. Steve Mitchell says:

    Awesome idea! When are you going to add any updated chicken videos?

  22. Lanelle Devlin says:

    I like the idea of the concrete around the perimeter to secure it!

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