Chicken Coop Heater. Do Chickens need heat?

| October 22, 2013 | 25 Comments

Chicken Coop Heater.  Do Chickens need heat?

Combination heater and heated roosting pole from Newest in chicken coop heaters. If you are asking : Do I need to heat my chicken coop? Or how …

Going from 6 to 15 chickens meant the coop needed to be enlarged. Music Title: Every Waking Hour By: Robin Grey…

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  1. mesutt159 says:

    Nice coop!

  2. PetPrepper says:

    OK I am the worst friend ever. I finally got to watching this video tonight. Please forgive me. Oh and could you please come to MN and build a coop like that for me? Holy cow the work you put into that! Loves ya MY MODOC!

  3. M0D0C42 says:

    They took right to it, so I’m happy it’s doing the job and they seem to be happy, too.
    Thanks! :)

  4. M0D0C42 says:

    Nothing’s too good for my girls. ;)
    Thanks! :)

  5. seaotter1975 says:

    Very cute chicken coop! Hope all the little chickies are happy in their new little home!

  6. MyDaddysgirl44 says:

    Modoc, you always do such nice work!! That little house is beautiful!! Even the ladies can tell that.. lol

  7. Iam1uglyguy says:

    No thats ok…Hope my wife doesn’t get mad at me for sleeping with multiple chicks…again! lol

  8. M0D0C42 says:

    Uhh, it is your guest suite! What were you expecting, a private room, too? :)

  9. M0D0C42 says:

    Ha-ha… if only I could get that kind of room charges out of them.
    Thanks, buddy! :)

  10. M0D0C42 says:

    The last small house I built, I included indoor plumbing and finished drywall. I live in that one. lol
    Thanks again. :)

  11. M0D0C42 says:

    Most of my stuff has become “old school”. lol
    Thanks! :)

  12. M0D0C42 says:

    I don’t know about that, but I can knock a box together. lol
    Thanks my friend. :)

  13. M0D0C42 says:

    Thanks! So good to see you’re still out there…. and still in the neighborhood, too. :)

  14. M0D0C42 says:

    They do seem watered down some how. My neighbors hate when they go to molt, cause then they have to buy from the market.
    Thanks! :)

  15. Iam1uglyguy says:

    Nice coop. If I hadn’t seen the title I would have thought you were building me a guest suite!

  16. Pooter1176 says:

    Looks real nice there buddy The Hen And Rooster Hylton.Lol.

  17. verume1 says:

    it came out very nice…like a small house….

  18. verume1 says:

    cool, I see you have one of those old school true saws…awesome…

  19. ImRamro says:

    That is great, you are a master builder.

  20. Harley13411 says:

    Well done neighbor.

  21. Sulfur City Homestead says:

    This makes me miss my girls! My wife broke down and bought some eggs at the supermarket the other day. The kids turned their noses up at them, and we went and got a couple dozen from my friend. No going back after you get spoiled on the good ones. :)

  22. M0D0C42 says:

    I think it turned out great, considering what you had to work with. If it does the job, then I’d say it’s successful. But, moving some rabbits in is a good deal, too.
    Bless you, brother.

  23. cokeman250 says:

    Mine was junk compared to this. Im going to use it for rabbits and build a proper chicken house lol.

  24. M0D0C42 says:

    They should be, I even have a couple of ceramic heat lamps for them and a remote thermometer so I can monitor that they’re working. Yeah, why haven’t you built a coop yet? … it’s not like you’ve been doing anything else this summer. LOL
    Thanks! :)

  25. M0D0C42 says:

    You already built a chicken coop, I was trying to keep up with you!
    Thanks, brother. God bless!

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