Chicken Coop Tour, Red Star chickens and brown eggs

| December 3, 2013 | 9 Comments

Tour our Amish built chicken coop. The coop itself is 5′x8′. The “feed” area is 3′x5′. That is a nice feature and I’m glad I decided to add it. Makes storage…
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Category: Chicken House

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  1. arif şen says:

    Hi, I am a Turk. Roosters would like to receive in your hands. Are you
    sending the egg? Have e-mail address?

  2. rockhillgardenpa says:

    Thanks for comment and subbing. Hope to get more videos up soon. It’s
    winter here soon so it may be of snow soon.

  3. farmercody14 says:

    Great vid .i have a red star who just started laying Friday…by far the
    best tasting eggs I’ve ever had thanks for sharing

  4. L2Survive says:

    Love your chicken coop. Thanks for sharing.

  5. rockhillgardenpa says:

    Thanks! They are great chickens. Easy to care for.

  6. rockhillgardenpa says:

    Thanks! Definitely handle them. Mine now follow me around like I’m the
    mother hen! It’s a hoot. They now get under my feet and I have to be
    careful. You’ll have eggs before you know it. I just realized I had 3.5
    dozen in my fridge. They add up fast! ~Kris

  7. mhpgardener says:

    Very nice. The birds look quite comfortable in the new home. I hope to have
    some before too much longer.

  8. BCtruck, rebuild, repair,repurpose says:

    wow! that is a beautiful henhouse and the view they have is gorgeous as
    well. i was excited when you opened the doors to find eggs. i very very
    anxious to see eggs in my nest boxes but i know it will be at least 10 more
    weeks. mine are starting to get used to me and ive made a concerted effort
    to handle them so they will get used to me and no that i dont pose them any
    threat. great video and thanks for posting!

  9. Kristine Scheivert says:

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