Chicken Coop Winterization – 6:30AM

| October 9, 2013 | 24 Comments

See the modifications I made to my chicken coop to deal with cold Maine winters!
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Here is an update on the how to build a DIY chicken coop. I compared buying a coop vs. building your own chicken coop. I guess trying to become self sufficie…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Category: Chicken Coop

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  1. cody powers says:

    1:11 shut up baby!!

  2. jdogminer says:

    i mean wood

  3. jdogminer says:

    where did u get your would?

  4. My Lani says:

    Can’t get past the droning baby noise in the background.If you are intensionally filming something be a little more thoughtful please.

  5. eveny119 says:

    I know nothen about what a chicken needs Im learning…. but I would flip it right side up,so it has a roof not a floor.

  6. Pastor Cameron says:

    Thank you so much. I really needed to see this! I am trying to figure out how to do mine out of reused shipping crates and this is exactly what I was thinking of! Just for about 3 birds :)

  7. Miniie says:

    Love the video, but the background noise is very distracting.

  8. xTinkerBell265x says:

    How many chickens does it hold?

  9. Sandy says:

    Great job!! You should be proud !!

  10. Shirley Johnson says:

    I just subscribed we just bought land in TN mountains and plan to do the same as you are about trying to be mtg. and util. free. Well you already have most of the plywood for the coop. You are doing great! We are in our 60′s just getting started. You have a lifetime ahead so just don’t let the world distract you. Bless you and yours!

  11. Gray Michael G. says:

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  12. yummydeliciousmagic says:


  13. yummydeliciousmagic says:


  14. getredytagetredy says:

    to keep screws from splitting wood—turn over screw with point looking up-on hard surface -tap screw with hammer-to peen the sharp end=no splits

  15. tribal400esauslayer says:

    Lol. Oops!

  16. ZephZhang says:

    It’s called “a baby”.

  17. tribal400esauslayer says:

    What the Hell is that weird ass annoying sound in the background????

  18. gattacca94 says:

    I get it…but you have to have the drills, table saw, screws…etc. That is the cost of building it yourself other than time. But I do agree…if you can build it yourself then that’s best. You will enjoy it more. We just built ours. We call it our chicken Palace.

  19. SHADIGGADY says:

    lmao! Good research man! loved your comment about having to put the 500 dollar coop together yourself.

  20. stev2843 says:


  21. redirises says:

    I don’t know if anyone mentioned this but chicken wire is meant to keep chickens in our out – but it doesn’t do the job for controlling predators… Raccoons and dogs or foxes can get through chicken wire pretty easily. If you want protection for your chickens then you want to use hardware cloth and heavy duty staples or what did was use some roofing nails. hope this helps! I’ve lost a few chickens to raccoons – they are vicious!

  22. Mysteriesofwales1 says:

    Lol, loving it mate,you are certainly getting into the “make do and mend” mindset.Something for you to think about for the longterm,if you have a greenhouse sorted,try and get it to match up alongside your chickencoop, and set an air vent from it into the greenhouse,that way you can get the heat from your chickens,to extend your growing season,all important when you are self reliant.Plus you have the added benefit of letting the hens into your greenhouse before you plant,to eat the bugs.nice job

  23. brunsgreen says:

    Totally “COOL BEANS”

    I was looking for an expensive method of Coop’n


  24. sideways ray says:

    check out swamp meets for cheap hardwere. but good job.

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