Chicken Hill Poultry’s Blue Laced Red Wyandottes ~ BLRW 2013

| January 7, 2014 | 7 Comments

Chicken Hill Poultry's Blue Laced Red Wyandottes ~ BLRW 2013

Chicken Hill Poultry ~ 2013 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Part 4a of 4-H poultry showmanship series. See example showmanship presentation from a 4-H member in Nebraska.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. lewi seaman says:

    wtf that white leghorn is far to pale in the face

  2. Ravenalone says:

    I have a hen just like that and her mate. She’s only layed 1 egg! I don’t
    think *she’s* productive!

  3. akemi agura says:

    She’s very pale :(

  4. akemi agura says:

    Okay thanks for the information :) I didn’t know that.

  5. companionanimals says:

    The bird is pale because she was laying eggs and when chickens lay eggs,
    the first thing that happens is they lose pigment in their face. She was
    also in a barn that didn’t get direct sunlight so that could also be a
    cause for the pale face.

  6. Sabrina Covey says:

    What about the vent and breast?

  7. companionanimals says:

    Hens like the one in the video that are laying eggs, tend to lose color in
    their face, comb, wattles, feet, etc. This is normal and there is no
    problem with the bird.

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