Chicken vs Fox ATTACK in pen/coop night vision, Fox then trapped inside

| February 1, 2014 | 12 Comments

Chicken Nipple waterer Dog vs Chickens Two chickens decided to sleep ou…

Our Chicken Coop/Barn Pallet Build Update

We are making progress. If you are interested in coming to PEI to help/volunteer with a new spring build (2014)please let me know. If you have building exper…
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Category: Chicken Coop

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  1. Dale Carpenter says:

    i’ve shot and killed at least 20 racoons, and maybe 8 coyotes who dared try
    to get into my chickens. i haven’t seen a raccoon around here since. we
    still see the coyotes in the farmers field chasing mice though. 

  2. Logical Prepper says:

    That would be a dead fox around here.

  3. the43k says:

    No… but a 1000 ft/sec pellet gun may get used if he gets stuck in the
    coop again. He got out before we ever knew.

  4. Carlota Chmielewski says:

    That was terrifying indeed. Thanks for the heads-up

  5. hadley321 says:

    I had the same problem with a couple of foxes around my chickens. I had to
    install some electric fencing, it cost around $50. So far, so good.

  6. mrvirginiabeach says:

    Can you fire a weapon there?

  7. the43k says:

    fox got out off camera or camera missed it…

  8. AuburnCreed says:

    So many good videos ruined by goofy music.

  9. Southpaw Davey says:

    I lost my four ducks last night and about twenty to thirty eggs two were
    brooding in the pen are no feather blood and just half of an egg shell. I
    don’t think it was a fox . The only other thing here that could do that has
    two legs and some transport Am mad as hell.

  10. the43k says:

    Ha, I was thinking the same thing. I always thought it was only a deterrent
    to some degree. My guess is that after awhile any animal would become
    accustomed to it.

  11. s521ify says:

    So what happened?

  12. PEI Girl says:

    Customize your message

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