Coyotes attacks chicken coop

| February 7, 2014 | 50 Comments

Coyotes attacks chicken coop

Our Poulet Chalet is being attacked by a bunch of coyotes.
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  1. Manchease Skrelpher says:

    The chicken just strolls into the coop like “Problem?”

  2. Sonny Varcardipone says:

    Nice Coop! Did you build it or buy it?

  3. smith45acp says:

    Get a pellet gun at least. That’ll scare the chit out of them

  4. rednecklowlife says:

    Nice chicken coop for sure! Them chickens are saying keep knockin but you
    cant come in!

  5. Baseball5581 says:

    You think they’d use their cousin Wile E. Coyote’s favorite trick and break
    out the dynamite.

  6. barefootgarden says:

    Look at all the nice fur running around.

  7. takingu2skoo says:

    i killed a coyote at 35 yards 2 shots to the chest coyote dead in its
    tracks shot once’s it turned to run and i shot it again and it dropped
    never ran off blood running out the nose. so a .22 can kill

  8. Gina Whisnant says:

    True for most things. Not a solution tho. Livestock guardian dogs for goats
    and so on are effective. Just let the coyotes be.

  9. claytoaj says:

    ha ha, that one chicken is ballsy! didn’t even run back inside most of the
    time. And wow, what’s that coop (tractor?) made from that the coyotes could
    jump on top of it like that? surely not just chicken wire?

  10. ypsifrog says:

    Why am I cheering for the coyotes? ;)

  11. sharon moore says:

    I do a lot of research on coyotes to learn about them so I can protect my
    livestock ands also myself and kid.

  12. 796andy2 says:

    Awww , give em a damn chicken …

  13. thefrogkid says:

    Who was at the door?

  14. Tung Bui says:

    It’s not chicken wire. It’s hardware cloth.

  15. anon01111 says:

    Get a paintball gun — just be aware that the paint will stain/strip paint
    from just about any surface. They also sell rubber “practice paintballs”,
    however you can easily break a window or put holes in the side of your
    coop. I have no problem with shooting coyotes, but only to keep their
    population in check. In this case, shooting them is counter productive: new
    animals will move in and keep attacking the run and coop.

  16. Kaelyns CatCutie says:


  17. Barry Newman says:

    Bang bang

  18. Bryan Jeanfreau says:

    coyotes are the reason there a no wild quail in our parts. EXTERMINATE WITH

  19. fudge21036 says:

    wow three brave ass coyotes

  20. Juelzmuzic says:

    had to build a predator proof coop for my “girls”. check out my channel!

  21. dread668 says:

    cyotes are not for killing.Thats why so many animals are going extenct

  22. CoyoteDesigns says:

    chicken: smile and wave boys

  23. brandenhj1998 says:

    Why didn’t you kill em

  24. SmacSA says:

    Lucky pen is built well

  25. raven vaughan says:

    i would scare away the coyates with a shovel :)

  26. BikeManDan1 says:

    Saw horses would make this work a lot easier

  27. Rebekah Borucki says:

    @prgarlick ha, thanks! my dad will be happy to hear it :)

  28. robertmcfunny says:

    @genghisgirl hey my dads an engineer at diesining and at building nice ur
    dads great like mine

  29. Rebekah Borucki says:

    @oreoozz There’s no part 2, but if you go to my channel
    youtube[dot]com/genghisgirl and look at my playlists, I have a bunch of
    chicken videos featuring the coop. I also have a smaller “bunk bed” style
    coop for a newer flock of bantam chicks. Thanks for watching!!

  30. Rebekah Borucki says:

    @MrGreenbudha I’ve thought about getting a LOT of animals to add to my
    little farm… thank goodness my husband has more sense :)

  31. Rebekah Borucki says:

    @MrGreenbudha it certainly is… my chickens would be homeless without him!

  32. MrGreenbudha says:

    @genghisgirl too funny ! you ever thought of getting quails? they are
    smaller and a little easier to raise and the eggs are so small, almost the
    size of popcorn!

  33. Rebekah Borucki says:

    @DefenderOfTheLarder Nope, we’re outlaws!

  34. SuperSallyjean says:

    If you live in the area of Portland, OR or Seattle WA, why not just order
    one from us? at: the chicken tractor company dot com We deliver! Check us
    out! We are all about green living and love to promote it by having the
    tractors available for those who do not have the time to build them.

  35. sunrayemomi says:

    my dad just built our urban chicken coop too, love! :D

  36. Rebekah Borucki says:

    @Rugger0430 haha… it works right up until the birds start freaking out
    every morning when they lay their eggs.

  37. jonnybbadful says:

    hahaha, l love all of your pop up messages. they are funny. made me lol.

  38. Rugger0430 says:

    OK, when I start building my Chicken coop next week Im going to use your
    Idea of telling everyone its a rabbit hut.. NICE……….Thanks :)

  39. Rebekah Borucki says:

    <3 Thanks! My chickens thank you, too... they love their coop!

  40. bobseverson323 says:

    Ahh, if only more Americans were still like your father. Great video,

  41. Rebekah Borucki says:

    @getsmartnow2011 It’s an approximate cube – 4 x 4 x 4 – and the roof slopes
    toward the back. There’s three nesting boxes inside with a shelf for
    roosting. You can find more pics on my blog in the chickens section.

  42. Rebekah Borucki says:

    yeah, my dad is pretty radical… in a quiet Kansas sort of way.

  43. Rebekah Borucki says:

    @HorseyHow2Channel I keep 5 full-size hens in there now.

  44. Rebekah Borucki says:

    @driller62869 Thank you! He’ll love hearing this comment.

  45. Rebekah Borucki says:

    @trozza I had to yell at him to wear the knee pads, which he couldn’t hear,
    because he’s never worn ear protection in the 50 years he was a roofer :) I
    deal with the same thing with my husband, a music photographer. He’s nearly
    deaf at 34 from never wearing ear plugs at a concert a day in his career.

  46. Michael Tuttle says:

    Cool, thank you… Hey your dad looks a little bit like Hugh Hefner! Put
    him in a silk robe or something, and show him building custom ‘playchick
    mansions’ you’ll be the hottest thing on youtube for sure!

  47. oreoozz says:

    hello, me and my mom were trying to build a coop, and love yours… i was
    woundering if there was a part two to this video to see hhow he finished
    it…. its just beautiful… thank you

  48. Rebekah Borucki says:

    Actually, my father is a carpenter who has owned his own successful
    business for over 40 years. The coop is finished and quite lovely. Thank
    you for watching. I also saw in other comments that you are curious about
    my nationality/background. I’m Irish and Indian, and I practice Buddhism.
    I’m not Jewish, but it is a lovely religion. Thank you for your compliment
    about my nose. I like it, too.

  49. Rebekah Borucki says:

    @ixchelkali Ok, he built the whole thing. But I painted!!

  50. DefenderOfTheLarder says:

    Are you not allowed chickens where you live? You mentioned in the video
    that you told the neighbours it was a rabbit hutch…lol.

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