Crops Harvested, Chicken Coop built and Cucumbers growing in the house

| November 29, 2013 | 25 Comments

A compilation of several short video clips taken over the last three weeks as I harvested and preserved my garden produce as well as a look at my new little …

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Category: Chicken House

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  1. Dale Calder says:

    @des4maisons Thank you and you are welcome.

  2. Dale Calder says:

    @GulfCoastJaguarundi Thanks. I’ m sure there will be many chicken videos. I
    won’t be getting them until next summer though. I will only have a half
    dozen bantams but I can hardly wait. I had hens years ago 30 to 40 at a
    time and I have wanted to have them again for many years now.

  3. Jarod Dahl says:

    That looks like a fun little chicken coop. I think I’m going to build a ton
    more fence next year so my chickens can free range without getting in my
    garden. I have two new hens now. I don’t think they’ve laid me any eggs
    yet, though.

  4. Dale Calder says:

    @wildshotsintheair Thanks for all of the kind words. I’m not interested in
    showing chickens I just love having them around more pets than anything the
    eggs are just a nice bonus. If you go to my Channel page there is a set of
    27 videos almost 3 hours worth called, Le Coup – my Chicken Coop and
    Chickens, lots of footage of the coop and the birds there.

  5. 1965blaze says:

    we are suppose to have rain today then our cold front comes this weekend =)
    nice work !

  6. des4maisons says:

    Not boring at all, really great video! Until next year, thanks again!

  7. Dale Calder says:

    @DCARA06 Thanks. Can’t wait till i have hens in the coop.

  8. Dale Calder says:

    @ttitanic121 Thank you very much. I feel very bad about loosing the
    potatoes haha. Glad I participated too otherwise I would have never know
    that I can grow tomatoes and cucumbers in the house.

  9. Dale Calder says:

    Thank you.

  10. DCARA06 says:

    Looks great Dale!! You are all set for the winter. I love the hen coop.
    Such a warm fall. Probably good that you got everything in before this
    crazy rain we are having.

  11. OldGardenerGuy says:

    I am going to try that tuscan kale this year. I hope mine turn out as good
    as yours.

  12. wildshotsintheair says:

    thanks for the video, I didnt find it boring or lengthy at all, i found it
    very intersting, and informative. wish it was longer ,looks like you have
    fun and keep your self busy. hope you do a video on your Banty chickens, ,
    i like those alot, will you raise them for show? id like too see them and
    yoru new chicken coop also. lol thanks.

  13. Cannibalriot says:

    Pretty nice set up, beat our little patch to shame!

  14. julzbo says:

    What a great chicken coop! Thanks for the vid!

  15. Dale Calder says:

    @Watsamadoing Thank you. I agree you could build something much larger for
    the same amount of money. There are several coops that look like this one
    for a lot more money I paid $300 for this and it is very basic and too
    small. I’ll find uses for it and it will be okay for summer use but I would
    never keep chickens in this little thing during our winter. I’ve been
    looking at plans on the Internet because I will have to build a proper coop
    next summer.

  16. ttitanic121 says:

    Very much enjoyed watching your vids over this past year! Although we
    didn’t attain the “Big Prize” (a can of potatoes)lol…I know we had fun in
    trying…Happy Gardening Dale & Thanks again for the interesting &
    informative videos.

  17. Dale Calder says:

    @1965blaze I guess we have rain tonight and then high wind and heavy rain

  18. Diane Mumm Garden Videos says:

    Enjoyed your video Dale, what sort of light do you have on your cucumber
    plants? I am amazed by the cucumber growth inside.. very cool!

  19. garygardens says:

    You did a lot better with you beets than I did. What I got was tasty but
    small and not many. Great looking carrots! They are good eating, fresh
    picked. What kinds did you grow? Very nice chicken coop. Appears to be made
    of Cedar, one of my favorite woods. Will all of that cabbage make just one
    batch of kraut? I’ll be interested in how that goes and might try it myself
    next year. Indoor cukes are marvelous. Sorry to see the end of your garden.
    I’ve enjoyed watching. Regards, Gary

  20. baconsoda says:

    Super update! Beetroot – I grow one called Bolthardy and it is very
    reliable in our cool, wet summers and frost tolerant. Carrots – those
    looked great, I can grow even smaller carrots than you. Kale and cabbages –
    didn’t they sound lovely? Hen house – lovely job, I hope to get hens next
    year. Cucumbers – well done! Best Wishes, Brendan (sent a message as well)

  21. Dale Calder says:

    @baconsoda Thank you I just finished shredding the cabbage and starting my
    sauerkraut. I used to have hens years ago and I have wanted to have them
    again for some time now, so I’m excited at the prospect even though it will
    only be a few Bantams. Not looking forward to the long winter without a
    garden. Dale

  22. Dale Calder says:

    @julzbo Thanks but I wasn’t happy with it. It’s far too lite and small,
    blew over twice last winter, fortunately no hens in it. I’m in the middle
    of building a coop now 8 feet by 8 Feet I will put up a video of that one
    when I finish.

  23. designlover88 says:

    awesome this is an inspiration!

  24. Dale Calder says:

    @SquareFootGardening5 Thank you very much for the kind words. I get a great
    deal of pleasure from the garden. It’s always a sad day when the season
    ends our winters are so long it will be the end of May before I can plant
    seedlings in the garden again. Some early crops like peas, chard, spinach
    can be sown in early May. In April I will start growing seedlings under
    lights though.

  25. Dale Calder says:

    @dianemummvideos Thank you, it’s a two tier light garden with three full
    spectrum tubes in each tier, I bought it from veseys(dot)com a couple of
    years ago my only regret is that I didn’t buy the three tier. I see they
    still feature it on the website front page. Very cheap to run the tubes are
    low wattage. I start most of my seedlings with it in the spring.

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