Eggs & Ultimate Chicken Coop

| October 21, 2013 | 22 Comments When I was a kid, I wouldn’t eat eggs for two reasons. They looked gross, and they came from chicken butts, or somewhere…
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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. Texasman992 says:

    how tall is the covered inside bulding part???

  2. sotxbob says:

    nice hat.. Sunbody brand ?

  3. StumbleUK says:

    Enjoyed the video, Karen. I have 4 chooks here in the UK in a much less palatial coop but I have saved a ton of feed by using a treadle feeder that keeps the rats and mice out. Perhaps vermin isn’t a problem with your mesh. I also have a light triggered coop door which is initially expensive but means they are self sufficient for days.

  4. UncaTuck says:

    The rebar is a great idea!!!

  5. ReefAdvicer says:

    that chicken wire is bad… use hardware cloth its much more thicker and harder to penetrate

  6. rob kev says:

    cool how many hens is that fit for

  7. jedediahbc says:

    I like your metal work especially making a fence frame out of re-bar and chicken wire, I live in a rural area and we have varmints fox, coyote, bobcat, raccoons, etc. the raccoons really like to get in the poultry coops and barns. I also have welders and re-bar laying around, so I think I will build a coop like yours.

  8. Boss Timmy says:

    we are building a chicken coop. Looks like yours.

  9. ned jenkins says:

    my dad wants to build a chicken coop but their our coyotes all around. Thanks for the tip with the security around the coop. Ill tel my dad.

  10. Superman30575 says:

    where you buy your nest material

  11. themanmythlegend13 says:

    Like the idea for the gravity feeder…..ill use that one fo sho

  12. JohnnyAirtime21 says:

    Ricky the raccoon is thinking….I will take an egg martini shaken not stirred….and I’ll leave the light on for ya.

  13. svennbreng says:

    Cool vidio, thanx for the ideas.

  14. Jason Barnes says:

    Very nice setup! You should come up with some blueprints for that coop and sell them on eBay !

  15. momo hamd says:

    Check out my vids

  16. momo hamd says:

    Hey check out my vids plzzzzz

  17. matt sani says:

    ” now were in the coop, this is where all the action happens”
    now this video just seems messed up.

  18. MegaSearcy says:

    What up with the wine glass and dog

  19. floanicete says:

    nice chicken coop! I’m getting my chickens this spring of 2012. My home made chicken coop is all ready. So excited!

  20. Garrett Sommerfeld says:

    very nice

  21. tonyb6029 says:

    Nice coop! All I suggest is that you add a point about buying eggs in the description. Organic eggs are obviously good because they’re free of hormones, but they are also cruelty free. Cage eggs are cruel, with each hen receiving under an A4 sheet of paper sized space.  They are denied their natural instincts; perching, scratching for food, dust bathing and laying eggs in a secluded nests. Because of this cruelty, I would suggest that you add a point about it in your description.

  22. sodonian says:

    you need to show wwwwwwwwaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy less

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