Five hour chicken coop

| November 30, 2013 | 10 Comments


BEST TIPS Chicken Waterer Nipples system Winter & Summer Garden Hose Pressure Reducer

Backyard coops are small and often enclosed within a fenced area (sometimes bounded by chicken wire) thus creating a more natural living environment, one in …
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  1. Andrew Seeley says:

    Did you have help?

  2. JAMES EDWARDS says:

    Can you put a rain gutter on the roof to collect water in a barrel so as to
    gravity feed the water system?

  3. Cameron Cox says:

    do you have americanas

  4. Cameron Cox says:

    can you send me the blueprints for your coop and how did one of your
    chickens get stuck outside the door

  5. the43k says:

    sent u a note

  6. Mindy Menard says:

    Can you in box me what I need to build the winter waterer

  7. Jesus Acevedo says:


  8. SALVATl0N says:

    Good stuff

  9. the43k says:

    Great tip.. One I need to follow myself. I’ll post a annotation.

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