Free Pallet Chicken Coop

| November 20, 2013 | 24 Comments

I’m moving my chickens into the garden for the Fall so they can eat plants, weeds, and bugs. I built a temporary coop for them using free pallets and materia…

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  1. Nancy Glass says:

    Thanks for the idea. I am gonna start looking for palets.

  2. blissmandude5779 says:

    Yeah if they only go in to sleep and lay eggs there fine and I like to talk
    to u more about chickens here is my email

  3. 19RidgeRoad says:

    My shed is about that size and there are only 7 chickens in there so there
    is lots of room. I would like to get 12 more this Spring. I’m not sure if I
    would go over 20 in my shed because it would be pretty packed, but like I
    said, they seem to only sleep in there so you should be fine.

  4. blissmandude5779 says:

    And I’m putting in a 10x 8 shed for the winter

  5. blissmandude5779 says:

    That is true I have 15 hens and 1 roaster 7 hens lay green and blue eggs
    the other lay brown

  6. blissmandude5779 says:

    U can put 25 chickens in a 10×8 shed

  7. 19RidgeRoad says:

    My chickens only go inside when they sleep. I think they’ll be fine for the
    short period they’re in there. The good thing with free pallets is I can
    always put on an addition :)

  8. blissmandude5779 says:

    7 chickens are not good to put in the that it’s 3 to 4 square feet per

  9. 19RidgeRoad says:

    I was going to use straw in the temporary coop like in the other one. I
    guess the only issue would be that this is more open to the elements. I
    will probably just change it out often.

  10. 19RidgeRoad says:

    We have 2 acres. The house, fruit trees, and garden are on 1 acre and the
    other acre is mostly wooded but also has our barn on it. Should be enough
    land for me for now, but I have big plans when it comes to homesteading
    (raising animals/growing food). That is going to be the future of this
    channel and probably worth making a video about.

  11. Tom x Efc says:

    hey greg how many acres of land is your yard

  12. Garry Singh says:

    Yea like mines hen scrach wooden shavings

  13. Nan Barber says:

    Put some shavings on the bottom for them to lay their eggs in! Straw can
    get moldy and give your hens some health issues!

  14. Garry Singh says:

    Just use a light under the fertile is dark regular is light hope this helps

  15. Garry Singh says:

    Zo when are u going to incubate eggs its really hard to find the fertilizes

  16. Garry Singh says:

    And also ducks pigs if you want but pigs are kind of nasty probably not pigs

  17. Tom x Efc says:

    greg you should turn your garden into a small farm with goats and sheep and
    maybe some cow

  18. Marie Janelle T. says:

    That’s a really good idea.

  19. 2138red says:

    i hope its warm enough for them. if you put a bit of hay on the bottom it
    will make them more comfortable and warm.

  20. oscar dalmasi says:


  21. Heather Rae says:

    Good idea.

  22. Garry Singh says:

    Make a vid when their out in the yard

  23. Garry Singh says:

    Ow yes greg

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