Free Range Chickens

| December 12, 2013 | 14 Comments

I moved the chickens to the garden but they decided not to sleep in the new chicken coop last night so we put them back in the regular coop for protection. T…

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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. 19RidgeRoad says:

    I can confirm that :)

  2. 19RidgeRoad says:


  3. 19RidgeRoad says:

    I’m glad you mentioned that. I want to get more in the Spring so having 2
    coops might work out really well.

  4. Nan Barber says:

    Thanks again for showing us your chickens and Roxy! Always look forward to
    watching your videos! :)

  5. Nan Barber says:

    If you get more chickens please make sure that the younger ones are almost
    grown before you put them together! I made the mistake of putting younger,
    smaller hens with older grown ones and the grown ones killed all the
    smaller younger ones! So I learned a very valuable lesson! I waited until
    the younger hens were grown before mixing them together! Or let them free
    range so that way they wont attack the younger ones!

  6. Mainability says:

    haha a goat? my uncle has one in Kentucky and he has a german shepard, they
    always play fight each other, just have to be careful cause the baby goats
    like to ram their heads into stuff, don’t want roxy getting hurt

  7. dmarrigo says:

    Roxy is so good…the chickens are not afraid of her! Most labs don’t have
    active prey drives. They just want to play!

  8. Jade Harber says:

    I “like” Greg and Coty’s vids before even actually watching them ’cause i
    know its gonna be good…

  9. Garry Singh says:

    I mean i had 2 roosters

  10. Garry Singh says:

    Greg is lucky he has a farm where you can keep a rooster k had 2

  11. Bettsy1987 says:

    I meant to say not bothering the chickens

  12. Bettsy1987 says:

    Aw Roxy is so good not the chickens jus wish my lab would be that good

  13. Emily Pitones says:

    I’m first comment yes

  14. Emily Pitones says:

    I have my dog but his to hipper

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