Fun with the Geodesic Chicken Coop

| October 27, 2013 | 17 Comments

For Carolyn: O, my love is like the red, red rose that’s newly sprung in June O, my love is like the melodie that’s sweetly played in tune. As fair art thou,…

Poultry house video showing a 9m x 3 m small chicken house that holds 405 broiler chickens. The steel structure for chickens and all the poultry equipment wa…
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  1. Wayne Skews says:

    Where are you ion Nigeria? I will be in Owerri in the next 2 weeks or so. Do you want to do broiler chicken farming or layer farming (eggs)?

  2. jyce richard says:

    Wayne Skews please i want to starte a chicken farm in Nigeria, but i dont know much about how to get started. please can you help out with any information. thank you

  3. jyce richard says:

    Hi everyone please i want to starte a chicken farm in Nigeria, but i dont know much about how to get started. please any information will be very useful and appreciated .

  4. Chicken Caravan says:

    look up Chicken Caravan, they might have something you are after for laying hens.

  5. ChickenHouseAfrica says:

    Yes we do – do you want hens in cages or free range chickens? How many hens are you looking to farm with? The Yellow door houses for layers go up to a 30m x 7m – 2640 layers in cages.

  6. sipho mabusela says:

    ok guys do you offer houses for laying chickens instead of broilers? and which size do they come in as well as which equipment does it come with?

  7. joe biden says:

    They need lots and lots of chicken houses in africa.

  8. wanzueni says:

    i prefer natural material and less high tech, alot of metal and the gadgets seem to take alot of space so where is the space for the Chics?. Africa is hot and granite and wood keep normal temperatures,in Kenya we do it differently.

  9. Wayne Skews says:

    pity you are so far from me or I would come and build you a poultry house!

  10. Wayne Skews says:

    We build these houses for people who get government grants, and the government ain’t likely to give money to soft hearted animal lovers who will not make money. They need to lift people out of poverty, and they need food security.

  11. Wayne Skews says:

    mmm – good for you – I also only do free range – hens for eggs – and they have loads of room. Problem is – if you need to make a living from raising chickens, and you are a poor person with limited land, like many people in S.A. – you have to do intensive farming. Wish we had started this on a better footing – it is an interesting discussion and worth persuing. I am in total agreement with you.

  12. Wayne Skews says:

    No matter which way you want to farm – raising livestock to eat will always infringe on animal rights. Are you a vegetarian – because that is the only way to not to hurt animals?

  13. Wayne Skews says:

    Can easily hold 400 chckens – it is commercial poutry farming – and will produce 400 broilers easily. Yes – it is a lot of chickens per square meter – but it works and this number per suare meter is used all oer the world. So overfarming is a term that that may be used if you are an animal lover – it is a cruel way of farming, no doubt. I prefer free range which allows the birds out side and does not cramp them up.

  14. Wayne Skews says:

    This house can hold 400 chickens – why do you think it cannot? The industry standard is 15 chickens per square meter – broiler farming. 9m x 3m x 15 = 405 chickens. While I amy agree with you if you said that commercial poultry farming is cruel, saying you cannot farm 400 chickens in a house this size is simply untue. Perhaps if you were less abrasive in your interactions you would not attract such a respones.

  15. Wayne Skews says:

    Showing just how dumb you are – seems your brain is the same size as the chickens we are farming with. As for your raciest attitude – bet you would not say that to my face – hiding behind the internet is the only way you have enough corouge to face the world. Get a life worm.

  16. Wayne Skews says:

    How many chickens do you want to farm with? A 9m x 3m chicken house for broilers will cost about R41000 – depending on where the house needs to be built. This includes all the poultry equipment – as you see in the video.

  17. diesel turbo says:

    what does one of these broiler houses cost

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