Halloween Hen House – Having some fun putting the poultry away on All Hallows’ Eve

| March 2, 2014 | 21 Comments

Halloween Hen House - Having some fun putting the poultry away on All Hallows' Eve

Exceptionally mild weather and full Winter plumage means our poultry are roosting in the trees. Temps exceptionnellement doux et plein plumage d’hiver signif…

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  1. Dayseykinsaj says:

    lol They were like nuuuu mummy no bright lightssss i iz tireddd

  2. piscesbobbie says:

    This was so cool! Thank you for sharing

  3. Pavlovafowl says:

    Thanks! I know exactly the illustration you mean. We also have another half
    Polish pure cream hen, who was too far up the fig tree to film, she looks
    exactly like and owl, in fact that is her name! All the very best, Sue

  4. Pavlovafowl says:

    Thank-you, glad you enjoyed it and the same to you from all of us here,
    Sue, Andy and les Chickies

  5. Pavlovafowl says:

    Aaww thanks! We had a great time, hope you did too! All the very best,
    Pavlovafowl aka Sue

  6. Pavlovafowl says:

    Thanks! Much appreciate your comment. All the best, Pavlovafowl aka Sue

  7. Pavlovafowl says:

    Hi Dale thanks! No we thought raccoons were fluffy and sweet , we never
    realised they were chicken murderers – another illusion shattered!! All the
    best from sunny France, Sue

  8. Pavlovafowl says:

    Thanks Christiane. I have really got into the spirit of Celtic tradition
    this year and stored up so much food for the dark days to follow. I spent
    all yesterday roasting and peeling chestnuts and cooking up all the
    windfall apples. Andy has been cutting up non-carpentry grade pallets so I
    think we are both preparing for a hard Winter. You keep warm too and I wish
    you all the best for Summer’s End in a toast of Normandie kir (our version)
    cider and rose hip cordial, Slàinte mhath! Bisous Sue

  9. Pavlovafowl says:

    You are welcome! That’s what we meant it to do! All the best from France,
    Pavlovafowl aka Sue

  10. Pavlovafowl says:

    Thanks! Those were just a selection of them – the tree-dwellers! Much
    appreciate your comments and all the very best, Pavlovafowl aka Sue

  11. Pavlovafowl says:

    Thanks! We had such fun making it. All the very best, Pavlovafowl aka Sue

  12. Pavlovafowl says:

    Putting away the hens can be a tedious business, when they decide to roost
    high up in the trees – so tonight we thought we’d make it more amusing for
    us. They had fun too.

  13. Persnickety Me says:

    So clever and artfully spooky!

  14. Elyse Joseph says:

    Wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing on the night of All Hallows’ Eve! Days are
    getting shorter but light will defeat darkness once more ;) Stay warm (it’s
    warmer than usual here too), over the long months of winter. Bisous,

  15. Freedomtoascend says:

    This is so cute! Happy Halloween girl hens and boys roosters and Sue and

  16. brianzpartner says:

    Made me smile, thank you.

  17. Colorful Canary says:

    Beautiful birdies! Rufus looks very “owlish” up in the tree.

  18. Dale Calder says:

    Very spooky…….. I loved it. Obviously you don’t have raccoons if my
    hens weren’t under lock and key by sun set they would soon vanish.

  19. Gardeninggirl1107 says:

    LOL! You two are great! Love the birds – hope you both had a nice
    Halloween, too :)

  20. kim taylor says:

    love it very clever

  21. MerAngel12121 says:

    Cool! I’m in Love with your feathered friends. Nicely done.

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