Hen House Studios Live — Rock Videos – TV Show #23

| November 5, 2013 | 9 Comments

A nationally syndicated music TV show from Hen House Studios featuring band interviews, videos and musical performances. Featured: Peach, Parise aka Truth Be…
Video Rating: 1 / 5

I built this chicken coop using 2 interior doors and scrap wood from a local construction job. The siding was a freebie from craigslist, and the two windows …
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Category: Hen House

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  1. Hollace Yeary says:

    Your camera work is compelling and sinister. I keep watching, riveted. I feel concerned for the chickens.

  2. mrfunderful says:

    hey, whatever works! i just noticed how steep it is, but that’s cool…if the chickens like it.

  3. outofworkbum says:

    It is a little bit steep, and I was going to change it but the chickens never had any problems with it so I just left it. It’s been that way for over 2 years now. FYI I changed my screen name and added many new vids under the name outofworkbum if anyone is interested.

  4. mrfunderful says:

    chicken ladder/ramp looks a little steep…

  5. n2fun38572 says:

    Awsome idea on using the doors. I would have never though of that. I may have to try it.

  6. jihadacadien says:

    Nice especially since it,s recycled. those chickens look like big ones!

  7. cucumber202 says:

    nice video

  8. trucklover9 says:

    cool chicken coop. i made mine from an old shed and plywood and chicken wire. cost $50.00

  9. Praxxus55712 says:

    Tajmahen? HAHAHAHA! OK, that’s totally funny. Nice mix of hens by the way.

    Possibly just a small section of chicken wire to protect the bulb would work. Easy fix.

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