Home-made chicken coop

| October 31, 2013 | 7 Comments

Here is a chicken coop that was built for around 0 in materials. Could be done for substantially less if you have wood and hardware laying around.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Raising urban chickens back yard chicken coop

we built this backyard chicken coop our of an old dog house and a scrap sheet of roofing tin and some hardware cloth. The nest box is too deep and is heavy s…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  1. Jim McGovern says:

    Nice job Jim! Do you live in PA? I saw your name and that zipcode is near me, I live in 18966. I recent;ly posted a video of a coop that I just made as well. You do nice work!
    Good luck with the chickens.

  2. Rheygand says:

    Great! Followed you here from my post on BYC… awesome!

  3. Benjamin Woodring says:

    A tripod will greatly enhance your video.

  4. matthew blackburn says:

    concrete floor–flat shovel really easy

  5. bulldwgs says:

    Nice looking., great work.. How hard is it to clean out?

  6. butt head says:

    you chicken fucker

  7. matthew blackburn says:

    i didnt design it to be portable.  That is where i wanted it to go and stay. If this were a chicken tractor i would have put wheels and a mesh bottom or no bottom. Thanks for the input though

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