How to build a chicken coop fast

| October 22, 2013 | 8 Comments

How to build a chicken coop fast -Following the easy instructions in this book will get you started raising chickens. chickens chicke…
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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Category: Hen House

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  1. Rose Flower says:

    DIY chicken coops are a way to eliminate the costly expense of the pre-made standard coop

  2. Heike Perez says:

    thank you very much

  3. Joyouslife1943 says:

    Thanks for the tour and the louder, understandable audio…great-looking setup. Hope mine turns out as well…sorry ’bout the creepy remarks from the people below whom I’m really glad I don’t know! (Isn’t there always one in every crowd) Keep the vids coming!

  4. flanksteak2 says:

    This is canned. You can replace “chicken coop” with anything and use this audio in any do it yourself video.

    Replace “chicken coop” with “Boner”.

  5. TheeHayabusa says:

    thank you

  6. syndicate2802 says:

    Wishi I could get the video to show on my iPhone

  7. veggiepowered says:

    come to florida and build me a chicken coop

  8. mytunes08 says:

    like the video really helpful

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