how to build a hen house

| July 3, 2013 | 25 Comments

REPOST! i “built” this “hen house” in my “backyard”out of “recycled” and “reclaimed” “lumber” from my carport that i had to take down . the “chicken coop” is…
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  1. animeworldnr1 says:

    I love the story xD

  2. olie amistades says:


  3. Debbie B says:

    you can send me the cast iron .I cook in it all the love the coop

  4. animals4addicts says:

    Will you ask your wife if I can just borrow you for a week or two! LOL I can’t get my hubby to build me any coops…and when he does, they’re NOTHING like the one you did! Awesome!

  5. hash glass says:

    mad about the power co. dam shame they think they can go on private land sux

  6. debra richey says:

    I just love it… I want my hubby to build me one…Thanks for the video…

  7. tcb069 says:

    good lookin hen house , hens should like it

  8. Wood Work Living says:

    I have done it all. I am at the point where i need to make the door to the coop. I am very confused on how you did it, because you didn’t film all the parts on it. Could you please explain to me step by step, on what you did. Like how did you cut it, and where exactly did you put the 2×4′s. Or to make it a lot easier for both of us, i would highly highly highly appreciate if you posted a video response on my channel of you filming the door and all the things about it. Please think about that..

  9. bctruck says:

    man im sorry but i cant remember the angle.

  10. Wood Work Living says:

    what is he angle you cut the 2×4′s for the roof of the hen house ?

  11. Travis Campbell says:

    great job…what about cross ventilation in the coop? awesome door!

  12. William Alexander says:

    gave me great ideas for my next project

  13. Wood Work Living says:

    where is a good place to buy chicken fencing? I want it at least 48” x 50′ and the squares to be 1/5 inch…. please let me know as soon as you can. Thank you Wood Work Living

  14. Wood Work Living says:

    They white hens are called, white rock hens…and you did a great job. I think i will go ahead and make my self one…

  15. Icon says:

    Hi Bctruck, I’m very excited about your chicken coop and new chickens. You did a great job with that coop, by the way. Much success with you chickens. :)

  16. heather seder says:

    Thanks for the video I really liked how you showed the different stages of construction. I am in the process of building one very similar to yours based off this video, its a great design & works perfectly for our yard and our first batch of baby chicks. I wasn’t as fortunate with the recycled lumber though, I had to go to Lowe’s for all my material. BIG SWEET TEA CHEERS TO YA!!!

  17. 1965blaze says:

    they should start laying at ar around 6 months old here is a forum i belong to which is all about raising chickens wwwdotbackyardchickensdotcom

  18. 1965blaze says:

    there is plymouth rock and barred rock barred rock are black and white

  19. 1965blaze says:

    great job!

  20. Jorge Loredo says:

    Great chicken coop! I built one similar to the one you built and was just as excited as you were but my wife would not have it so it’s broken down leaning against the house for now.
    I purchased the books, water pails, meds, and feed months ago and just waiting for the green light so I can put this coop back together. She likes to pay for organic and free range eggs at the local store and I’m thinking they can’t get more free range than your own back yard!

  21. Marie Sjostrom says:

    very nice video!!!! I enjoyed your sense of humor, keep up the good work!!! I can only hope my coop will come out at least liveable for my 4 little chickies. I got 2 baby duckies I have to figure out something for too.

  22. Dennis Goyette says:

    down right frigid at 65?? Where do you live? that’s summer weather where i’m from lol

  23. Ringo Star says:

    you dont convence ,,just do it

  24. Brittney Smith says:

    N h

  25. oldtownleroybrown says:

    great vid. feel your pain with the damn power company.

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