HOW TO BUILD HOUSE FOR THE HENS ( using mostly recycled materials)

| July 3, 2013 | 49 Comments

Webside This Henhouse was built without a plan. But here are some pay plans from another folks — take a look .…

Gives an easy how-to for a henhouse that will keep 4-6 chickens safely off the ground and locked away from nighttime predators. Should be OK for all but the …
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  1. Filipe Jose says:

    Good job. Chickens will love it :)

  2. 2323232323nick says:

    Come build me one

  3. Andriy Osachev says:

    Hey! I’m Tyler.I did -15 lbs last two weeks.Open

  4. onetwothree57 says:

    This is the kind of video I love – not a lot of yapping but you show well how to do it- Thanks

  5. Cam John says:

    This made me want a nail gun :)

  6. djmaleda says:

    fantastic, creative, inspirational. A chickens mansions or is it HENsion!

  7. Unclebobs2 says:

    Great job, got a few ideas for my new coop.

  8. Atul Chauhan says:

    yeah yeah not bad but you know this is youtube you can do much better. if you want the real shit this site has real girls nymphos who you can just message and they send you anything hit this up in your browser:

  9. boiledoctopus says:

    BRILLIANT video!! One of the most entertaining, inspiring, creative videos I have seen on YouTube. Well done Sir.

    Loved it!!

  10. djsandoors says:

    Thank you kindly .

  11. Berhane Gebriel says:

    The best the world needs. You work brilliantly, entertain humorously, and communicate eloquently. I wish I can work with you.

  12. blackvitruvianman says:

    Amazing!! Dick Proenneke would be proud!!

  13. Samil101 says:


  14. mamoud figman says:

    l’outillage qui compte aussi pour faire une si belle maisonnette de poule …! bravo

  15. alex corvinus says:

    this is very nice video i like

  16. Jason Wakefield says:

    Awesome Bro!

  17. David Furlow says:

    Great hen house

  18. TheWigleFamily says:

    Your editing work is beautiful!  Love the chicken coop and wish you could come throw something together for me .. or at least drop off your tools for a week or so! :o)

  19. محمد عبد الله says:

    السلام عليكم انت مسلم

  20. betovilla5212 says:


  21. dinksta says:


  22. gardenwithmimi says:

    Great video, bet the chickens will love the termite wood, bye, bye pest.

  23. sablechicken says:

    ….all this incredible cinematography and craftsmanship and still taking the time to kiss every little frog you found.

  24. djsandoors says:

    Hello !
    I living maybe a long distance from you and i not traveling away in this time for working .
    Wee have a farm to take care .
    The price if you local and you like to pay $ 400-600 or 20 to 30 hr labor from your material .
    I have material estimate under the video.
    I made this video for try to inspire for do yourself .
    If you invest the price to tools what you pay for me or any others for work you can do yourself and you have a nice tools to start your creative building a next time also.

  25. syed kazim says:

    photography is superb , u looks like professional, having nice tools, can u build one for me n what will be price.

  26. Ramon Rodriguez says:

    did you cut the 2×4′s in half the long way? those look much more skinny than 2×4′s at my home depot.

  27. Danielle Middleton says:

    Thank you for the chicken coop I want to try building this one. I have a temporary coop right now and keeping the chickens in the garage and letting them outside when the weathers good…. My husband bought the baby chicks before the coop was built so we have them in a dog kennel for now.

  28. Danielle Middleton says:

    Thank you for the chicken coop I want to try building this one. I have a temporary coop right now and keeping the chickens in the garage and letting them outside when the weathers good…. My husband bought the baby chicks before the coop was built so we have them in a dog kennel for now.

  29. Susan Blaney says:

    I like your chicken coop. Practical, and didn’t spend a fortune making it look like a freakin’ dollhouse for your chickens. Works for me!

  30. TurboedMX6 says:

    I ignored the quality since it is not my coop, but the only thing I do have to say is the eight screws poking through on the chicken door hinges. Easy to injure on them.

  31. TurboedMX6 says:

    Ehhh…props for DIY, but there are a few things that needed to be done better. Cuts, squaring everything, better lock method(no screws poking through either could cause injury to a chicken).

  32. TurboedMX6 says:

    $100 on what? The only thing working against him is carpentry is probably not his skill for life. The angles showed that, but a miter saw would of solved that problem.

    Squaring it off…a better lock to keep coons and foxes out. If you spend $250 on a coop this size….well maybe you should rethink how you engineered it. The only expensive part were the boards.

  33. TurboedMX6 says:

    Guess you missed the step where he showed the chicken wire. SMH

  34. MrChip8970 says:

    one huge POS shotty workmanship as well as not enough light for chickens this idea is worse than commercial chicken coops. I’d rather spend 100.00 dollars more and do it right!

  35. david alan says:

    LOL… Pitiful dude, just pitiful. 

  36. TAZMPictures says:

    No, you’re wrong.

  37. Antonio Hosang says:

    there are no beathing holes there goning to die .Next time go look up how to make a chicken coop.Cause I have one myself that has beatheing holes.

  38. henhouses1 says:

    A lot of people get chickens before they have somewhere to put them so building a hen house becomes a rush job. This is great if you have limited time and resources. If you want regular eggs it is a good investment

  39. Bob Smith says:

    And don’t forget to put them away at night – check out “Sunset Reminder” for Android phones.

  40. sctanker says:

    A very straightforward presentation. The insults aren’t necessary from some of the commenters. It is precisely what he states it is. It isn’t meant to withstand heavy gunfire, mobs of crazed people wielding brickbats, or anything beyond simple weather. It is a blooming henhouse, for crying out loud! While different climates and weather conditions will dictate modifications, an all around a simple henhouse. The music is a bit overpowering, but nice.

  41. TAZMPictures says:

    Thanks for the feedback! I will try and bear that in mind in the future – I get carried away :-)

  42. Cindie Lyn says:

    cute and looks easy enough for those of us not quite so handy! Music, while a nice choice, was overpowering when trying to hear you talk.

  43. Pastor Cameron says:

    hahahaha that made me laugh thanks hahah

  44. Pastor Cameron says:

    Thank you :)

  45. TAZMPictures says:

    suppose you’re the expert. But my kids could never fit in here. My chickens, however, lived in it for 3 years until I moved.

  46. TAZMPictures says:

    It has been awhile, but if I recall correctly I just cut a standard sheet into 4 equal parts. So I think in the States that would be a 4 x 8 foot sheet, which you would cut into four 2-by-4-foot pieces. In Europe the dimensions are slightly different I think.

  47. Pastor Cameron says:

    Could you please tell us the dimensions for the ply wood ?

  48. samantha kirby says:

    i was looking over videos, because we are going to be building a coop soon to start raising some egg laying hens, this video was my favorite, thanks for the video, and making it simple. i cant wait to get started on our coop! thank you again for the video, you did a great job!

  49. Bill Hocker says:

    I see a lot of negative comments but I think is a great little coop to get started with. Thanks for the vid. and good job.

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