How to Keep Poultry From Flying Away

| December 23, 2013 | 25 Comments

Visit for more hobby farm activities. How to Keep Poultry From Flying Away… Sure, there are several options… but we like this …
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Poultry Insight: What Are Antibiotic Residues?

Antibiotic use in poultry production has been extremely effective in enhancing bird health. However, as consumers, industry professionals, and regulators see…

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  1. Jared Stanley says:

    You can keep your birds from flying away with this little tip… (Hint,
    it’s not wing clipping…)

  2. PeppersPlants says:

    That’s awesome. Something like that might take the worry out of me
    eventually letting my sheep loose on the farm. How long did it take them to
    discover it/adapt to it?

  3. EarthToolz says:

    There has been a few wild mallards get hit on the highway lately. wobble
    wobble kuput :(

  4. J&J Acres says:

    Thank you :)

  5. J&J Acres says:

    I’ll let the Mrs. know you said so :-)

  6. J&J Acres says:

    Pretty simple isn’t it – feed them and they will stay, lol.

  7. OhHowHappyGardener says:

    Nice video– we’d love to have some chickens around our place someday.

  8. alan4657 says:

    I think you shall keep her around a bit longer, she seems useful. LOL
    completely kidding. Very smart idea! You are a blessed man, indeed. Matt

  9. J&J Acres says:

    As time passes and our children and animals grow, the more I notice the
    similarities. In this case, the unending mantra quietly chanted in their
    subconscious – “… food… Food… FOOD …”

  10. firpo epley says:

    Good idea. But what about the hawks in your area?

  11. J&J Acres says:

    They are nice to have around. Lots of uses for them :)

  12. alan4657 says:

    Any signs that it might lessen or increase the cost of feed? Ie waste, etc?

  13. ym schmitz says:

    when i use to have chickens and turkeys (house and their pen pretty close
    to road, ) and let them out they followed me everywhere, picking up bugs
    and weeds as i pulled them or protecting me in the woods lol , i miss them

  14. J&J Acres says:

    A 50 pound sack of corn runs around $11 and lasts about a month on the
    settings we are using. There is no waste as far as the food goes, the birds
    are diligent in searching out each kernel. If you meant the birds waste…
    if there is any more than normal, I cannot tell the difference.

  15. J&J Acres says:

    She’s a smart cookie – I’ll have to learn to listen to her ideas more often ;-)

  16. J&J Acres says:

    Thanks Matt – She’s a smart lady – and very apt at being able to say “Um,
    Jared, it would be easier if…”

  17. J&J Acres says:

    That is a shame, mallards are beautiful birds – I’m sure they are very
    useful too, but I enjoy looking at them.

  18. Ironheart Fabrication says:

    Beats fencing! You have to feed them anyway… Great job Mrs J. Take care,
    be safe!

  19. J&J Acres says:

    Thank you :)

  20. J&J Acres says:

    We have never had a problem with hawks. Probably from the dense foliage
    available for the birds to hide in. Also, their coop remains open to them
    during the day, so if they felt the need to run there, they could.

  21. Sheila6325 . says:


  22. Rick Larson says:

    Excellent! Make use of those bird brains!

  23. The Productive Garden says:

    That is a great idea and so simple.

  24. groovesme says:

    Wow great idea! I wish I could use it, but being in the city I just don’t
    have enough space for the Chickens to be totally free.

  25. ym schmitz says:

    lol thats just awesomeness!

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