How to raise baby chickens/chicks. Coop tour. We order hatchlings thru the mail.

| October 25, 2013 | 25 Comments

How to take care of hatchlings .Our chicks came in the mail. Learn how to feed and water them when they are hatchlings. My next video will be time lapse from…

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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. markp0177 says:

    It is a special food to help them recover from beaning shipped thru the mail.

  2. captain teemo says:

    What the green stuff in the food

  3. A B says:

    very nice chicken coop….

  4. A B says:

    lol almost all the eggs get a lil poop on it.. just was it off before u use it…

  5. markp0177 says:

    I ordered from Murray Mcmurry

  6. elijah james says:

    where did u get them online??

  7. sidvsokko says:

    Mark, Thank you for taking the time too make a great video.

  8. Ashlie Quillen says:

    we just ordered 18 plus our extra free one today . from the same site you ordered from . im extremely excited

  9. markp0177 says:

    I built the coop myself. I had to make it bear proof. Watch my other time lapse video of me building the coop. 

  10. WeezeMeisterMama says:

    What is the name of the chicken coop you use?

  11. Rodney Haire says:

    you dont need to teach them to feed they learn it on there own

  12. markp0177 says:

    I have 4 types.

  13. Tipsforgirls12 says:

    You should do more videos on your chickens

  14. nalleli Ramirez says:

    how many different types do you have

  15. philip overholt says:

    Sure like watch your vids . Keep them coming.

  16. markp0177 says:

    Just one day. I was at my post office at 4:00 am when they arrived. We video this right at sun rise.

  17. markp0177 says:

    No, so far they all made it. They do ship a few extras just in case.

  18. Tipsforgirls12 says:

    Oh and how long does it take to ship the little chicks?

  19. Tipsforgirls12 says:

    U order from Murray Mcmurry? Have u ever had any chicks that didnt make the trip from Murray Mcmurry to ur home ?

  20. markp0177 says:

    Lots of rain, over 60″ a year. 20s degs in the winter and 90s in the summer.

  21. mundiales1 says:

    what kind of weather do you fet

  22. markp0177 says:

    There are lots diseases transmissible from animals to humans, but most people don’t get ill unless they are immunologically impaired. The most common chicken-transmitted disease is Salmonella, usually when people handle chickens and then don’t wash their hands properly afterwards–but even that doesn’t happen too often. So, unless you’re immunologically impaired (cancer patient, HIV+, very elderly, child under 2 years old, have a serious infection, etc. ) then you will probably be just fine.

  23. TheChattychatster says:

    What disease can you get from kissing one

  24. markp0177 says:

    We got them from Murray McMurray

  25. Kyrsten Casey says:

    The mystery is a naked neck and what store/website did you get them from

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