How to Raise Egg-Laying Chickens

| December 5, 2013 | 25 Comments

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  1. Paul says:

    this channel has videos for everything..

  2. Cemani Farm says:

    Nice Video,…. Thank you,…


    Good video. Cancer research aye? There is no such thing. As a Nurse who
    quit, I can tell you that it is all murder for profit. Medication is
    poison. It’s all about slow kill, and using humans for profit.

  4. cocoonbreach says:

    Eat it

  5. FindingSelfReliance says:

    We bought some chicks a few months back and one of our hens just recently
    laid her first egg. We started with 4 chicks but one of our “hens” turned
    out to be a rooster :-( Roosters are not allowed where we live so we
    brought the chicken back to the feed store.

  6. Sherm Perry says:

    My chicken Is Laying on its side at 12am, I dont know what to do. The
    others are fine, This one has no wounds or signs of being ill.

  7. benlyons83 says:

    lol the chicken at 0:51 is like “WTF” is going on here?

  8. Reddylion says:


  9. Hmraja says:

    My grandpa once fed our fighter cock some minced chicken meat, I was like
    WTF!? Then my Granddad said that they can eat anything, even their own
    kind, plus it’s good protein.

  10. alanesmuymacho says:

    What about non-egg laying chickens? I wanna learn about those

  11. 93866966YO says:

    I live in a government apartment flat, there is no space as it is too
    expensive. A squarefoot of space prolly cost $1000 over to buy. And there
    are still laws preventing bird flus, how do i raise an egg laying chicken?

  12. Shan Zee says:

    @MrRicesushi 9 eggs a day? Seriously?

  13. Bearkiller711 says:

    No shit???

  14. dinobublz says:

    OOOOOHHH! hahaha i thought this meant u actually raised a chicken with your
    hands while its laying an egg

  15. TheJessica2525 says:

    It is physically impossible for a domestic chicken to lay nine eggs a day.
    Sorry, BULLSHIT.

  16. Saxon Anglo says:

    im scared if chickens..

  17. 11JimMorrison says:

    @DinosaurxB LMFAO

  18. zeeshan ahmed says:

    احد يشتري ديك عربي يالخواجات

  19. TheJessica2525 says:

    It makes a chicken owner chuckle, truly! Damn, if it was physically
    possible to have a hen popping out 9 eggs a day, I WANT THEMS CHICKENS
    NOWS! I will be rich I tell you, RICH! HAHAAHAAAA

  20. Romeo shotinstar says:

    ooo Breakfast !

  21. drawinglegogames says:

    Chickens are the most important thing in raising chickens

  22. Shokara2 says:

    @meeptron1 Roosters are unnecessary. Chickens lay eggs without the presence
    of a rooster. You only need him around if you want fertile eggs.

  23. TomaCukor says:

    The Guinness world record is a little higher than 1.1 eggs per day on a
    year average, and hes getting 9 with 2 hens, lol

  24. shangoramoda says:

    you do not need a rooster for the hens to lay eggs. You only need a rooster
    if you want to be able to hatch out chicks.

  25. TheAdamie says:

    people who want to live cheaper and healthier.

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