IMOS Sample Process for Poultry Microwave Boosting Heating Into Fryer

| March 7, 2014 | 6 Comments

IMOS sample process on boost heating. The microwave is used a pre-heater for many cooking processing technologies. The poultry is pre-heated up to 100 degree…
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Chicken fence/run

So here’s a temporary chicken fence or run… easily moved and gives them some space. Do have a certain concern that they might fly the fence but we’ll see o…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. Ghatanathoa says:

    HaHa man they are totally funny, they all come running up to you like, “I’m
    ready for my Close-Up!”

  2. Caro S says:

    Thank you for posting this. We have to move our “coupe” and I was trying to
    decide what to do for a temporary, inexpensive fence until I can get
    something more permanent put in. I think this will work just great.

  3. Moon Doggey says:

    think I am gonna start out w/ this fence idea..price is right and it’s easy
    to move. just worried about hawks that fly over daily

  4. Moon Doggey says:

    check out the utube vid on how to cut their flight feathers so they won’t
    fly away on ya

  5. Loni Ponce says:


  6. Paul Mutton says:

    Like I said, they are funny as hell… Tam left one of the fence posts
    undone so I let them out and then they escaped so had a chicken roundup
    this morning.

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