Inexpensive Chicken Feeder

| December 10, 2013 | 26 Comments

This is my version of a gravity feeder for chickens. I got the inspiration from the galvanized aluminum feeders I saw at the local feed store. Very inexpensi…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

A behind the scenes look at where Pampered Poultry’s chicken diapers, saddles, and attire are made.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. brightflights says:

    I like your idea . I did one similar but wasted a lot of feed cuz my lip
    wasnt deep enuff. I will b making your style for my pigeons soon . I put a
    lamp shade over it for the poop any .cant understand hou a person can
    dislike a video like the
    S thanks guy .. go ravens lol


  2. Maxartz2010 says:

    This is a great “idea” although I find it a lot more complicated than what
    it has to be.

  3. Razor Blitzkrieg says:


  4. Annie MacDonald says:

    Excellent design.. and how-to video. Thanks very much indeed.

  5. Hoda Gibreel Osman says:

    Hello, sure it helps us, my interest is mostly on agriculture (plants and
    animals), and ideas like you post is surely creativity. Thanks, just get
    some materials and measure as done, it is exactly a man-made
    feeder…absolutely helpful.

  6. Chris Fournier says:

    I am going to try that, thanks Eric!

  7. Freddie Davis says:

    very nice how well does it work with water

  8. joshualucas3451 says:

    Could you write down a word for word step?

  9. true7005 says:

    great idea! will be using this for sure, thanks for sharing. :)

  10. Eric Peloquin says:

    Rhodies are a great breed. They are good layers and quite hardy. But, they
    are not as personable as some other breeds. I have Plymouth Rocks, one Buff
    Orpington and a Black Minorca (the Orp’n and Minorca are new) as well as
    the Rhodies. The Plymouth Rocks will come sit with me, let me stroke them
    etc. The Rhodies are a little more skittish. But again, they are quite
    vigorous. My alpha and beta are both Rhodies.

  11. Roger Lindsley says:

    My hen house and run are sealed in hardwire cloth, 1/2, on bottom of runs
    also, only solution. look for chewed holes, patch with tin flashing.

  12. PinkAlphaMom says:

    I love this! Those Home Depot buckets are darn useful! Right now I am using
    several of them to grow tomatoes, cucumbers, squash and honeydew melon,
    using one for a compost scrap bin, making a worm farm out of another few;
    looks like I will be making a chicken feeder out of another once I get my
    chickens. Good job!

  13. MrDieselOnly says:

    Wow! I would have never even considered doing that!

  14. Eric Peloquin says:

    Thank you! It is quite easy to make. I am still using mine and it is as
    good as the day I made it.

  15. granmur1 says:

    Couldn’t you also make this for water?

  16. cheryl jones says:

    Thanks for the great idea!

  17. TheRabbitWringer says:

    Good Idea!! I would use rivets though :-)

  18. gray beard says:

    Nice design Eric! Im putting one together this wknd for my six birds and i
    think i will borrow some ques from you. Thanks for sharing, Randall

  19. Charles Wilson says:


  20. MEGAONE302 says:

    Very good and effective idea, just a tiny bit overworked on the build.
    Maybe it’ll be much simpler to create using some PVC pipe, with a few
    larger caps and/or flanges.

  21. Colby Anderson says:

    good job

  22. Lisa Frazier says:

    How often do you have to fill the bucket with feed? We made a feeder with a
    tube but it doesn’t actually gravity feed (the way I think it should) so
    I’d like to show my husband this video to make another one for our current
    flock. Thanks.

  23. Shareallicu says:

    Great job! I have to come up with a RAT proof feeder that is cheap and easy
    to make ;/

  24. JRSKICK1 says:

    Very nice..thanks.

  25. Elias Noori says:

    What a good idea

  26. Nichol Neto says:

    What you are doing is sooooo incredible!!!! I would love to help out – I
    will message you on your website and see if a new business I’m starting
    could possibly help your endeavor!!! You are a true hero!!!! I just adore
    your chickens, your sense of appreciation for your animals, and your
    incredible devotion to your cause!!! Thank God for people like you!

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