Inside of the Chicken Coop Updated

| January 14, 2014 | 2 Comments

This is the most recent video of inside the coop.
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Category: Chicken Coop

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  1. thegeneral343 says:

    Thanks for the kind words. Hopefully soon I will post another video of a
    new chicken house. One thing I did do to this one is installed 12 volt
    lights from a camper/motorhome. Then I powered them with a car battery and
    charge it with solar garden light arrays.

  2. Alleykat Yorassismine says:

    Thank you from Australia….(love your accent by the way)….I am currently
    expanding my chicken coop as I started with 4 chickens 3years ago, and now
    I have 30. The over size of my coop is ok, but I need a whole lot more
    sleeping areas/perches and nests. I’ve just been given lots of 2nd hand
    timber, and needed some ideas. Good job!!!

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