Joel Salatin’s Chicken Tractor

| January 18, 2014 | 10 Comments

Short excerpted from Farmageddon – The truth about the food and dairy industry video.
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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. nun yabidness says:

    The white chickens in tractors (cages) are meat birds that actually don’t
    do all that well pastured out. They can burn more calories than they take
    in. The red chickens that are completely out on pasture are for egg
    production, and they do well pastured out and free ranging. The big rooted
    structure in the back is the coop with nest boxes for all of the eggs. As
    far as non-flying predators go, if you look to the back left of the coop
    you will see white fencing that is electri, and completely movable. You can
    even run it off of solar panels. 

  2. John Garmon says:

    What a cool idea for raising chickens!

  3. Kastlefeer says:

    I think he uses electric fences for ground based predators and fattened
    geese (they don’t fly) to stave off airborn predators … look into it.

  4. Robert Crosby says:

    I assume it’s so he can regulate where they fertilize, peck and scratch.

  5. sabijoli says:

    Oh yes, I live in a city, and let our chickens out to free range, and have
    lost a few to hawks…

  6. SweeneyBoy says:

    How do u keep the chickens away from preditors?


    To protect them from predators, such as hawks, etc.

  8. joebaum613 says:

    Why is he keeping them in cages?

  9. Amanda Johnson says:

    Predators would have a heyday without the cages

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